SZ-100: Particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight all in one system
Size, Zeta Potential and Molecular Weight of Proteins, Biomolecules, Liposomes, and other Particles used in the Life Sciences The new SZ-100 series instruments analyze key particle physical properties including size, zeta potential, molecular weight, and second virial coefficient (A2). Particle size analysis is performed by dynamic light scattering (DLS). Zeta potential is measured by electrophoretic light scattering. Molecula…
Bad service
The equipment is very user friendly, but the assistance provided in the Iberian Peninsula is extremely bad. I have requested recently a general maintenance of the tool I use, and besides not doing all I have requested (namely testing the zeta potential features), the technicians did not know how to handle the tool and broke the plastic bottom that opens the sample chamber.
Review Date: 9 Feb 2025 | HORIBA Scientific
Overall good product
Tissue sampling and homogenization results
Product manual and operation was user friendly
Review Date: 1 Apr 2022 | HORIBA Scientific
Size, Zeta Potential and Molecular Weight of Proteins, Biomolecules, Liposomes, and other Particles used in the Life Sciences
The new SZ-100 series instruments analyze key particle physical properties including size, zeta potential, molecular weight, and second virial coefficient (A2). Particle size analysis is performed by dynamic light scattering (DLS). Zeta potential is measured by electrophoretic light scattering. Molecular weight and A2 are analyzed by static light scattering using a Debye plot.
The SZ-100 is the only instrument available capable of performing size measurements at both 90° and backscatter (173°). This unique feature provides maximum sensitivity and allows the user to optimize measurement conditions for all possible sample types. Particle size measurements are performed in a variety of cells at volumes down to 12 µL. Zeta potential measurements are made in either disposable cells for aqueous samples or dip cells for organic and biological samples. The unique disposable cells using carbon electrodes can typically measure hundreds of samples before requiring replacement.
An automatic titrator is available for iso-electric point determinations of zeta potential vs. pH, or studies investigating optimum surfactant concentration for formulation or processing.
Particle size measurements can be made from 0.3 nm – 8 µm at concentrations from 0.1 mg/mL (lysozyme) to 40 wt percent depending on sample properties. Zeta potentials from -200 to +200 mV can be analyzed manually or with the auto titrator. Molecular weight of small particles (<100 nm) is measured from 1x103 to 2x107 g/mol. Typical applications include nanoparticles, colloids, proteins, biomolecules, and emulsions.
Visit the manufacturer website at the top of the page to view application notes and webinars on life science subjects including;
• Zeta potential of proteins
• Particle size of gold nanoparticles
• Particle size of liposomes
• Nanoparticles for drug delivery