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Chromatrap® FFPE ChIP Kit


Epigenetic identification and targeting in clinical FFPE tissues is a crucial step for potential epigenetic therapeutics and personalized medicine therapies. FFPE is a standard method to archive and preserve medical tissue biopsy samples. These archives, kept in many hospitals world-wide, are a huge, rich and untapped sample resource for genetic research. Due to the cross-linking of proteins by formaldehyde, FFPE tissues prese…

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Chromatrap® DNA Extraction


The Chromatrap DNA Extraction kit delivers a protocol to isolate superior quality DNA from a wide range of samples sources, including difficult cell and tissue types. With high volume binding capacity, DNA is efficiently lysed, captured and eluted from the unique spin column and 96 well plate designs. Quick and easy to use, the Chromatrap DNA Extraction kit ensures high quality and recovery of DNA during the first steps of fun…

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Chromatrap® Gel Purification


The Chromatrap Gel Purification Kit contains spin columns and reagents to quickly and efficiently purify DNA from agarose gels. Elute high yield and ultra-pure DNA for downstream molecular biological applications.

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Chromatrap® DNA Size Selection


Easily purify your preferred DNA fragments from a wide range of sample sources with the Chromatrap Size Selection kit. In 3 simple steps (bind, wash and elute) in under 5 minutes, elute superior quality DNA fragments of your desired size for downstream applications such as library preparation for next generation sequencing in under 5 minutes.

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