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Trilogy™ is a product that combines the three pretreatment steps: deparaffinization, rehydration, and unmasking in immunohistochemistry stains. 

|1 Review

In Vitro Vascular Permeability Assay (96-well)


This In Vitro Vascular Permeability Assay kit employs a 96-well plate, and provides an efficient system for evaluating the effects of chemicals & drug compounds on endothelial cell adsorption, transport & permeability. 96-Well Permeability Insert Assembly, Collagen-coated: One 96-well receiver tray containing 96 connected porous cell culture inserts pre-coated with type I rat-tail collagen. Receiver Tray, 96-Well: Two…

|1 Review

FlowCellect™ Rodent Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit-Neural Differentiation


Millipore’s The FlowCellect™Rodent Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit for Neuronal Differentiation is designed as an easier and quicker way to track neuronal differentiation. The kit will also help to determine the percentage of undifferentiated rat neural stem cells in culture by determining the percentage of cells that express both Sox-2 and Nestin as well as track Beta-III-Tubulin upregulation upon Neuronal differentiati…

|1 Review

KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase


KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase is a premixed complex of KOD DNA Polymerase and two monoclonal antibodies that inhibit the DNA polymerase and 3´→ 5´ exonuclease activities at ambient temperatures. KOD Hot Start combines the high fidelity, fast extension speed, and outstanding processivity of KOD with the high specificity of an antibody-mediated hot start. Non-specific amplification is reduced because mispriming events that can oc…

|1 Review