Forensics Products & Reviews


To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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SureSelect Cancer CGP Assay ​

Agilent Technologies

SureSelect Cancer CGP assay offers comprehensive genomic profiling for solid tumors. This pan-cancer NGS panel enables detection of somatic variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), copy number variants (CNVs), insertions/deletions (indels), translocations (TLs), gene fusions, and the immuno-oncology biomarkers TMB (tumor mutational burden) and MSI (microsatellite instability).

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Cary 3500 Compact UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Agilent Technologies

The Cary 3500 Compact UV-Vis is a double beam spectrophotometer featuring new and unique measurement capabilities that can be deployed in regulated environments. The system performs ambient and temperature-controlled experiments with air-cooled Peltier temperature control, and it accurately analyzes low volume samples—providing in-depth analysis by collecting up to 250 data points per second. The xenon flash lamp—complete with…

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Agilent Pursuit XRs Diphenyl HPLC Columns

Agilent Technologies

100Å pore size, high ligand density;  available in 1.0, 2.0,  3.0, 4.6 and 10 mm ids;  30 - 250 mm lengths. Pursuit columns are ideal for pharmaceutical applications using LC/MS, from analyzing lead compounds and biological samples in drug discovery, to implementing dependable analysis of raw materials and approved drugs in the QC process.  Build on the large 200A pore size silica, high liquid density delivers up to 40% faster…

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Bond Elut Plexa

Agilent Technologies

Advanced Polymer Technology for Simplified SPE   Bond Elut Plexa offers simple, easy-to-use methods with general purpose extraction mechanisms to simplify SPE. In addition, Plexa provides performance enhancements due to a unique polymeric architecture with a non-retentive, hydroxylated, amide-free surface and a non-polar PS/DVB core for retaining small molecules. Binding of proteins and lipids on the polymer surface is minimiz…

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Bond Elut Plexa PCX

Agilent Technologies

Polymeric Cation Exchange for Simplified SPE   Bond Elut Plexa PCX is a further milestone in the development of simple and robust SP methods. Plexa PCX uses a polymeric cation exchange resin that combines the outstanding properties of Bond Elut Plexa - superior flow characteristics and improved analytical performance - with strong cation exchange functionalities. This mixed-mode SPE sorbent removed neutral and acidic interfere…

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Bond Elut OMIX

Agilent Technologies

Pipette Based SPE      Bond Elut OMIX pipette tips reliably purify and enrich femtomole and picomole levels of peptides and proteins prior to MALDI-TOF or LC/MS/MS. The unique monolithic sorbent technology used in Bond Elut OMIX consistently outperforms other tips by delivering uniform flow and strong analyte-to-surface interactions. Available in three formats, Bond Elut OMIX tips bind more peptides to deliver better sequence…

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Agilent Pursuit PAH (USP L1) HPLC Columns

Agilent Technologies

200A pore size;  available in 3.0 and 4.6  mm ids, and lengths from 50 - 250 mm. Pursuit columns are ideal for pharmaceutical applications using LC/MS, from analyzing lead compounds and biological samples in drug discovery, to implementing dependable analysis of raw materials and approved drugs in the QC process.  Build on the large 200A pore size silica, high liquid density delivers up to 40% faster separations without sacrif…

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Agilent Technologies

Agilent Bio-Monolith HPLC columns provide high resolution and rapid separations of antibodies (IgG, IgM), plasmid DNA, viruses, phages and other macro biomolecules. The product family offers strong cation exchange, strong and weak anion exchange, and Protein A phases.

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ZORBAX 80Å Extend-C18 (USP L1)

Agilent Technologies

"Extend-C18 columns incorporate a unique patented bidentate silane, combined with a double-endcapping process that protects the silica from dissolution at high pH - up to pH 11.5. Columns are best applied for separations of compounds that are either (1) basic and have little or no retention at low or intermediate pHs, (2) more stable or more soluble at high pH, or (3) basic and show poor peak shape at low or intermediate pH.…

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SureSelect Custom RNA

Agilent Technologies

Agilent’s market leading SureSelect platform provides a complete portfolio of catalog and custom products, providing the flexibility you need from discovery to follow-up studies. Agilent’s custom solutions offer the only available method for target enrichment of RNA, allowing you to target your regions of interest using our free web portal SureDesign. Custom solutions are available for DNA and RNA target enrichment. • The only…

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Agilent DB-35ms Ultra Inert

Agilent Technologies

Mid-Polar UI column; a great choice for drugs of abuse testing and pesticides analysis. Agilent J&W continues their ultra inert innovations with the DB-35ms Ultra Inert GC column; a mid-polar column joining the existing apolar columns in the family, DB/HP-1ms and DB/HP-5ms.  With this new column, ultra inert performance is available for applications where different selectivity is needed for enhanced separations, including pest…

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PharmaGard ES (Energy Saver) NU- NR800 Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolator

NuAire, Inc.

The PharmaGard NR797 creates a negative pressure clean air [ISO Class 5] re-circulating controlled environment for the aseptic compounding of hazardous drugs. The HEPA filtered work area maintains a negative air pressure relative to the interchange compartment, which operates at a negative air pressure relative to the surrounding room. These levels of protection minimize the possibility of chemotherapy agents or other hazardou…

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PharmaGard ES (Energy Saver) NU-NTE800 Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolator

NuAire, Inc.

The PharmaGard NTE797 creates a negative pressure clean air [ISO Class 5] total exhaust controlled environment for the aseptic compounding of hazardous drugs. The HEPA filtered work area maintains a negative air pressure relative to the interchange compartment, which operates at a negative air pressure relative to the surrounding room. These levels of protection minimize the possibility of chemotherapy agents or other hazardou…

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PeakView software


PeakView software is everything you need for spectral analysis and data interrogation. Process accurate mass, structural interpretation, and batch analysis within a few clicks.  With PeakView software, mine your data effectively to unravel critical information. Easily review, identify, superimpose, compare samples, and label peaks across scales and with varying intensities in a single spectrum using advanced algorithms that au…

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CESI 8000 Plus system


Extending the reach of your mass spectrometer. Mass spectrometry (MS) has become an indispensable technology for the analysis of compounds of biological interest. Our improvements in assay sensitivity and reduction in ion suppression reveal new information that is critical to your research, whether you’re characterizing a therapeutic protein, identifying the proteins that make up a specific proteome, analyzing post-transiti…

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MasterView software


MasterView software is a powerful application that enables you to accurately screen unknown samples against the targeted list of compounds for quick identification, quantitation, and data review from complex mass spec data files. With MasterView software, laboratories can master the speed, power, and accuracy offered by LC-MS/MS technology. You can easily identify unknown compounds with greater confidence, using integrated lib…

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M5 MicroLC system


The M5 MicroLC system is a feature rich microflow LC-MS solution meant to simplify both small and large molecule quantitation and characterization. In addition to using a small sample size, this extremely sensitive, versatile instrument will help you save on costs and space, and fully integrates with your SCIEX mass spectrometer of choice.

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MarkerView software


MarkerView software does the heavy lifting for you to rigorously mine data and provide statistical analysis and visualization of large numbers of samples. MarkerView software is ideal for profiling and comparing the composition within your samples in order to gain valuable insight into any trends within your mass spectral. This post-acquisition analysis software reduces the need for manual intervention empowering you to explor…

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OptiFlow Quant solution


Now you can achieve high sensitivity quantitation without sacrificing throughput and robustness with the all-new OptiFlow Quant solution from SCIEX. We open up new possibilities by combining the new easy-to-use OptiFlow Turbo V source and the powerful M5 microLC system. You will gain significant signal-to-noise advantages while avoiding the hassle and complexity of a low flow assay setup.  

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MPX 2.0 High Throughput Multiplexing system


When you need to maximize throughput, the MPX 2.0 High Throughput system is what you need. The MPX 2.0 High Throughput system takes advantage of the downtime between injections from your LC and multiplexes two LC systems into one mass spec, doubling your throughput.  

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Turbo V source


The Turbo V source is considered the gold standard in mass spec ionization. The patented orthogonal design delivers outstanding ionization efficiency and robustness across many applications, covering flow ranges of 5 uL/min to 3 mL/min. This renowned ion source acts as the foundation on which SCIEX mass spec systems are built and serves as the inspiration for many of the ion sources that followed.  

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