Forensics Products & Reviews

To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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Express LC-100

Eksigent Technologies

Run assays up to 5 times faster than a conventional HPLC. Increase mass spec sample throughput by a factor of 5. Eliminate dead time in your analysis and cut solvent usage by 99 percent. Achieve all this and more with the ExpressLC-100 system. TheExpressLC-100 system is a single-channel HPLC with binary solvent delivery, high pressure gradient mixing, variable volume injection, UV absorbance detection, and PC-based instrument…

|1 Review

ArrayGrade™ Total RNA Isolation Kit


Benefits of ArrayGrade Total RNA Isolation Kit: High Quality & High Yield: Isolate enough RNA directly from crude cell and tissue lysates with a protocol optimized for gene expression analysis. Reliable & Sensitive: Find more genes and get more sensitive detection from microarrays. Fast & Convenient: Go from as many as 12 samples to purified RNA with less than 30 minutes of hands-on time.

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1 kb DNA Ladder

New England Biolabs Inc.

A number of proprietary plasmids are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 10 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The digested DNA includes fragments ranging from 0.5-10.0 kilobases (kb). The 3.0 kb fragment has increased intensity to serve as a reference band. The approximate mass of DNA in each of the bands is provided (assuming a 0.5 μg load) f…

|4 Reviews

FastStart Universal Probe Master (Rox)

FastStart Universal Probe Master (Rox) includes a novel reference dye, which enables its use without modification or adjustments to the specific instrument or protocol on all real-time PCR instruments requiring normalization with ROX. This ready-to-use, 2x-concentrated master mix contains all reagents (except primers, probe, and template) needed for running quantitative, real-time DNA-detection assays, including qPCR and two-s…

|1 Review

FastStart PCR Master

FastStart PCR Master is a ready-to-use, 2x-concentrated hot start master mix. It contains all the reagents (except PCR primers and template) required for running standard PCR and two-step RT-PCR on thermal block cycler instruments. Hot start PCR High-throughput PCR Benefits Maximize convenience. All you need to provide is primers, template, and water – the double-concentrated master mix contains everything else you…

|1 Review

High Pure Plasmid Isolation Kit

This kit is used to prepare purified plasmid DNA in small quantities, known as “mini-preps”, using the alkaline lysis method, a commonly used method that generates highly purified plasmid DNA from E. coli, free of RNA contamination. The kit is designed for the isolation of up to 10 µg of plasmid DNA from 0.5 to 4 ml of bacterial suspension. Up to 24 samples can be processed at the same time in less than 45 minutes. The purifie…

|1 Review

High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit

This kit is designed to purify nucleic acids from different sample materials, including whole blood, cultured cells, and tissue samples. Bacteria and yeast require a specific prelysis treatment with lysozyme or lyticase. The resulting nucleic acids are ready for use in PCR and restriction-digestion reactions. Benefits Maximize flexibility in sample preparation. This versatile kit works well with a wide variety of sample ma…

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Finnigan Neptune

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Finnigan NEPTUNE is a high performance Multicollector-ICPMS with high mass resolution capabilities for high precision isotope ratio measurements. It combines highest sensitivity and highest stability for all elements with the latest multicollector technique. High mass resolution on all detectors is the key to discriminate against molecular interferences. Product detail: Multicollector ICP-MS The design of the Finnigan…

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Finnigan Triton

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Finnigan TRITON gives the ultimate precision for isotope ratio measurements on solid samples. It uses a proven thermal ionization source and has a unique variable multicollector platform which can be configured with Faraday detectors and/or miniaturized ion counting detectors for smallest sample sizes. Typical applications are dating of geological samples as well as control of isotopic compositions of nuclear materials.…

|1 Review

Finnigan DELTAplus Advantage

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Finnigan DELTAplusAdvantage is the economical stable isotope ratio MS for all dual-inlet and continuous-flow applications not requiring continuous-flow D/H capability. It is fully automated, very sensitive and has an amplifier dynamic range. Product detail: The Stable Isotope Engine The DELTAplus Advantage builds on the proven robustness and performance of the DELTAplus, while adding new capabilities through completel…

|1 Review