Life Sciences Products & Reviews

Life sciences encompass a diverse range of scientific disciplines focused on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. From basic life sciences (such as cell biology, genetics, immunology, and microbiology) to applied life sciences (such as disease research, multi-omics, and biotechnology), this broad field explores the fundamental processes of life and drives advancements in disease research, patient care, and our overall understanding of living organisms. Discover the endless possibilities of life sciences and their impact on shaping a healthier and more sustainable world.

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Waters ACQUITY UPLC - Dramatic Improvements in Speed, Sensitivity and Resolution Whether you work in methods development or quality assurance, in drug discovery and development or testing for safety in food supplies, you seek a productivity edge. With the ACQUITY UPLC® System, now you can get more information in a single, short run than you've ever seen with HPLC. Waters ACQUITY UPLC System UltraPerformance LC® (UPLC®) techn…

XBridge Columns


XBridge Columns include a selection of 10 general-purpose and application-specific sorbents that cover a wide range of particles sizes for analytical and preparative HPLC applications.   XBridge Column users can quickly develop robust methods using mobile phases throughout the entire pH range of 1-12. XBridge OBD™ Preparative Column users, benefit from high pH and temperature stability to provide increased mass loading f…

VanGuard™ Pre-Columns for UPLC Separations


VanGuard Pre-Columns for UPLC® separations are guard columns that are designed for use with the ACQUITY UPLC® system. These guard columns use an ultra-low volume design (patent pending) that efficiently protects UPLC column performance. This ultra-low volume design does not compromise the UPLC holistic design approach to higher efficiency, greater resolution and increased throughput. Guard columns are typically used in appli…

|12 Reviews

Sirocco Protein Precipitation Plate


The Sirocco™ plates are the most technologically advanced protein precipitation plates in the market and enable high-throughput “in-well” protein precipitation of biological samples without the fear of cloudy filtrates or clogged devices. It also provides optimum performance in faster processing time by reducing steps in ‘in-well’ sample processing and complete recovery of clean filtrate from smaller plasma sample volumes.

|1 Review

Styragel Columns for Polymer Characterization


Designed specifically for polymer characterization, the Styragel® columns are grouped into the HR series for low-to-mid molecular weight samples, the HT series for high-temperature applications, and the HMW series for high molecular weight samples. Specifically controlled styrene divinylbenzene formulations provide reproducible performance in your GPC applications.

|1 Review

Ultrahydrogel SEC columns


Packed with hydroxylated polymethacrylate-based gel, Waters Ultrahydrogel™ SEC columns are ideal for the analysis of aqueous-soluble samples, such as oligomers; oligosaccharides; polysaccharides; and cationic, anionic, and amphoteric polymers. Measuring 7.8 mm x 300 mm, these high-resolution columns offer many advantages over conventional aqueous SEC columns, such as: - A wide pH range (2–12) - Compatibility with high concen…

|3 Reviews

Oasis® µElution Plate


The Oasis® uElution plate format combined with the Oasis chemistries allow elution volumes as low as 25uL, eliminating the time consuming evaporation step, producing very clean extracts with a 5 to 10 fold increase in concentration.The Oasis® family of sample extraction products is designed to simplify and improve your sample preparation by combining the right sorbent chemistry, device format and methodology. Achieve robust, s…

|6 Reviews

GCT Premier™


The GCT Premier™ benchtop orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight (oa-TOF) mass spectrometer delivers high sensitivity, resolution, and exact mass measurements for GC/MS applications. Its fast data acquisition rates and automated workflow features match the requirements for MS detection when coupled to high-resolution capillary GC. A variety of GC inlet, ion source and software options makes the GCT Premier a versatile choice f…

|2 Reviews

MassLynx MS Software


Acquire, Analyze, Manage, and Share Mass Spectrometry Information MassLynx™ Software increases the speed at which you can convert your sample data into valuable knowledge. It provides you with the fundamental platform to acquire, analyze, manage, and share your mass spectrometry information. MassLynx intelligently controls any Waters mass spectrometry system, from sample and solvent management components to mass spectrometer a…

|8 Reviews