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Invitrogen™ SureLock™ Tandem Midi Gel Tank

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Invitrogen™ SureLock™ Tandem Midi Gel Tank delivers easy and consistent vertical protein gel electrophoresis of 1 or 2 Invitrogen™ midi gels. Pair with the Invitrogen™ SureLock™ Tandem Midi Blot Module to perform efficient, 30-minute, room-temperature, wet protein transfers. Separate chambers make it easy to run just one gel or transfer, allowing you to save on buffer and limit methanol waste and disposal costs. There is…

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Invitrogen™ PowerEase™ Touch 350W Power Supply

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Invitrogen™ PowerEase™ Touch 350W Power Supply brings a new level of convenience to your electrophoresis experiments. With a bright LCD touchscreen interface, you can enter in custom programs or use the preprogrammed protocols for Invitrogen™ protein gels and gel transfers. It can run up to 8 midi gels or transfer up to 4 midi gels simultaneously.

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