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Megaplex™ Primer Pools

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Whether your profiling experiment requires ultimate sensitivity, broad coverage or both, Megaplex™ Primer Pools provide the flexibility to reach your research goals. Megaplex Primer Pools deliver comprehensive coverage of Sanger miRBase v10, and when used with TaqMan® MicroRNA Arrays, offer an ideal miRNA profiling solution. Optional Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers significantly enhance the ability to detect low expressed miRNAs en…

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1 kb DNA Ladder

Axygen Scientific, Inc.

The 1 kb DNA Ladder contains 13 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 300 bp to 10,000 bp. This marker is ideal for the size determination of digested DNA. Two Ready-to-Use DNA Size Markers for Gel Electrophoresis. The 100 bp Ladder and 1 Kb Ladder represent the two most popular markers used for DNA fragment size determination. These markers are formulated to run accurately and to provide crips band patterns. The two m…

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100 bp DNA Ladder

Axygen Scientific, Inc.

The 100 bp DNA Ladder contains 12 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 100 bp to 3,000 bp. This marker is ideal for the size determination of PCR products. Two Ready-to-Use DNA Size Markers for Gel Electrophoresis. The 100 bp Ladder and 1 Kb Ladder represent the two most popular markers used for DNA fragment size determination. These markers are formulated to run accurately and to provide crisp band patterns. The two…

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AxyPrep™ Bacterial Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit

Axygen Scientific, Inc.

AxyPrep Bacterial Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit - Suitable for the rapid isolation of up to 20 mg of genomic DNA from 1.0×109 bacterial cells. Following lysis, separation of the genomic DNA from proteins, polysaccharides and lipids with the AxyPrep Plasmid MiniPrep Kit is achieved by a unique phase-partition step. The genomic DNA in the lower phase is selectively bound to a special Axygen AxyPrep column for further purification a…

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AxyPrep™ Multisource Total RNA Maxiprep Kit

Axygen Scientific, Inc.

Format of the AxyPrep™ Multisource Total RNA Maxiprep Kit: • Maxi column AxyPrep™ Multisource Total RNA Maxiprep Kit Starting Materials: • Animal tissues • Plant tissue • Cultured cells • Bacteria • Yeast • Filamentous fungi Features of the AxyPrep™ Multisource Total RNA Maxiprep Kit: • Rapid spin and vacuum protocols • No alcohol precipitation • No column clogging • Dramatic reduction in DNA carryover • Higher yields, higher…

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Proteome Profiler Antibody Arrays


R&D Proteome Profiler Antibody Arrays R&D Proteome Profiler Arrays allow for the measurement of multiple proteins in a single sample. These arrays require no specialized equipment, and eliminate the need for multiple immunoprecipitation/Western blot experiments. R&D Array kits contain buffers, detection antibodies, and membranes spotted in duplicate with capture antibodies carefully selected for their specificity. R&D Arrays…

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Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Hitachi Software Engineering Europe S.A.

New optics and improved graphite furnace power supply circuit enhance sensitivity. Using common hollow cathode lamps, Z-2000 Series spectrophotometer is capable of analyzing As, Se and Sb in tap water and environmental water, which previously have only been measurable by using EDL (high-intensity) lamps in conventional graphite furnace analyses. Key Features:•High Quality-Excellent Sensitivity using Zeeman Method and Dual Det…

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