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Chlorochek® Chloridometer®


The perfect cystic fibrosis diagnostic companion. The ChloroChek® Chloridometer® is a coulometric titrator designed to determine chloride ion concentrations in sweat samples with just 10 microliters of sweat. It displays the concentration directly in mmol/L Cl-. The sweat sample is added to a buffer/stabilizer working solution.

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FreezePoint® Freezing Point Osmometer


FreezePoint® Freezing Point Osmometer is designed for routine medical, research, and industry measurements that determine the total osmolality of aqueous solutions. It is easily controlled via a touch screen display and step-by-step user guidance. With this instrument and a sample size as small as 15µl, you can receive rapid results in 60 seconds (Models 6000 / 6000S). Never lose your data with a built-in printer (Models 6000…

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Gonotec® Osmomat™ 3000


The Gonotec® Osmomat™ determines the total osmolality of aqueous solutions. The instrument requires very small sample volumes and can thus be applied for extreme measuring tasks. Its rapidity allows serial measurements in a very short time.  

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