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The UPSTATE colorimetric STAR (Signal Transduction Assay Reaction) ELISA kit is a solid phase sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay that provides a fast, sensitive method to detect specific levels of signaling targets in whole cell extracts. The AKT1 plate is coated with a specific mouse monoclonal anti-AKT1 capture antibody on the microwells of the 96-well clear plate. Many of the reagents are supplied in ready-to use fo…

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ÄKTA ready™ single-use chromatography system


The ÄKTA ready™ system family consists of a range of single-use liquid chromatography system options that are built for process scale-up and GMP manufacturing. The systems use disposable flow paths and prepacked columns to enable flexibility and speed in bioprocessing

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Markes International Ltd

ACTI-VOC™ is a robust low-flow pump for sampling vapour-phase organic compounds (VOCs) onto sorbent tubes for subsequent analysis by thermal desorption (TD). Being lightweight, easy-to-use and intrinsically safe, ACTI-VOC is ideal for personal monitoring and a wide range of other air and gas sampling applications. Optimised for thermal desorption tubes Unlike other personal monitoring pumps on the market, ACTI-VOC is optimised…

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phospho-Akt (Thr308) STAR ELISA Kit


The UPSTATE colorimetric STAR (Signal Transduction Assay Reaction) ELISA kit is a solid phase sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay that provides a fast, sensitive method to detect specific levels of signaling targets in whole cell extracts. The AKT plate is coated with a specific mouse monoclonal anti-AKT capture antibody on the microwells of the 96-well clear plate. Sample lysate or the standard included in the kit are…

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phospho-Akt (Ser473) STAR ELISA Kit


The UPSTATE colorimetric STAR (Signal Transduction Assay Reaction) ELISA kit is a solid phase sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay that provides a fast, sensitive method to detect specific levels of signaling targets in whole cell extracts. The Akt plate is coated with a specific mouse monoclonal Akt capture antibody on the microwells of the 96-well clear plate. Sample lysate or the standard included in the kit are incub…

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