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Electronic Laboratory Notebooks
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Discovery E-Lab Notebook


Plan, execute, record, and search single and parallel synthetic chemistry experimentsSymyx Discovery Notebook is an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) specifically designed to enable pharmaceutically focused discovery chemists to use prior experience, develop new methods, access relevant information, and integrate to critical systems to be more efficient and effective. Prepare: Access information from multiple sources and pl…

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Process E-Lab Notebook


Symyx Software Process Notebook is an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) designed specifically to solve the challenges faced by process chemists, improving information management, saving time, and improving experiment quality. Prepare: Efficiently Plan Experiments Searchable global database of corporate knowledge enables scientists to make informed decisions and design better experiments. Document editors specificall…

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Formulations E-Lab Notebook


Symyx Software Formulations Notebook is an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) designed specifically to solve the challenges faced by pharmaceutical, chemical, and personal-product formulators. Symyx Formulations simplifies information management, saves time, and improves data and formulation quality. Prepare: Design Formulations Efficiently Searchable global database of formulations, analytical data, and other associat…

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Analytical E-Lab Notebook


Symyx Software Analytical Notebook is an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) specifically designed to enable analytical chemists to use prior experience, develop new methods, access relevant information, and integrate to critical systems to be more efficient and effective. Prepare: Design experiments and data templates Flexible data entry tools allow scientists to plan all types of experiments, including method developme…

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