Search results for "ffpe challenges"
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Growing Analytical Solutions for Cannabis Testing
Future-proofing the Biopharmaceutical QC Laboratory: Using the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Bio System for HPLC Peptide Mapping
Future-proofing the Biopharmaceutical QC Laboratory: Using the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Bio System for HPLC Peptide Mapping
Roche Launches NGS AVENIO Tumor Tissue Analysis Kits for Oncology Research
Ready-to-use kits determine genomic characteristics of solid tumours
Thermo Fisher Scientific Signs Development Agreement for Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Companion Diagnostic
Universal test designed for non-small cell lung cancer supports multiple drug development programs
The End of the Food Quality Lab? Citizen Science in Food Safety Testing
Macrocycle Library: Macrocyclic Compounds for Challenging Targets
Optibrium adds augmented intelligence for compound design to its StarDrop small molecule drug discovery software
New Inspyra module combines chemists’ expertise with exploratory capabilities of automated compound
PerkinElmer has launched the first cell painting kit
New PhenoVue™ cell painting reagent kit makes the process of “painting” cells easier for research scientists by providing carefully selected and pre-optimized reagents
Optically compensated zoom lens
Simplify volatiles analysis (Part 4): Chromatographically challenging analyses
Join us on Tuesday, November 17, to find out how ultra-soft chemical ionization used in SIFT-MS simplifies the analysis of chromatographically challenging volatiles
Analysis of virus particles by dynamic light scattering
Testa Analytical Solutions has published a new applications report that demonstrates how DLS can be used as an effective analytical technique for analyzing virus particles in solution
Complex bacterial samples and rRNA removal
Join us on Thursday, June 25, to learn more about the critical factors influencing microbiome RNA sample prep and rRNA depletion strategies