Search results for "slas europe 2018"
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Chlamydia trachomatis IgM ELISA
DRG International Inc.High Quality Assays with Reproducible and Reliable Results
Oligonucleotide handling and stability
Olympus AU-CONNECTOR stands up to the test
Skyline from Aitken Scientific (Software)
Aitken Scientific Ltd Software IntegrationAitken Scientific Ltd, a leader in process control and automation, has recently become the European reseller of Comply’s process monitoring solution, Skyline. Skyline is widely applicable to anyone who needs to ensure the quality of their manufacturing processes, and the Statistical Process Control (SPC) information it provides will be of value in particular to customers focussed on GxP environments, such as the biotech and ph…
Axoclamp 900A computer-controlled current & voltage clamp
AutoMate Scientific Inc.Computer-controlled microelectrode current-clamp and voltage-clamp amplifier, useful for a wide range of intracellular microelectrode recording techniques with several modes of operation: two independent current clamp amplifiers with bridge balance, two-electrode voltage clamp, discontinuous current clamp, discontinuous single-electrode voltage clamp, and high-voltage current clamp. Axoclamp 900A is shipped with the following…