Search results for "rotary vane pump"
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Tecan develops new OEM liquid handling robot
Whitley Workstations Optimal Conditions for Clostridium Difficile
Valois researchers use Spraytec
RITE-Gels 2D Pre-cast Gels
NBS Biologicals Ltd.These two dimensional format gels are pre-cast actylamide Tris-Glycine gradient mini-gels and are for use in the second stage of a two stage electophoresis process. The 2D RITE Gels are pre-poured with a 1mm gel thickness, one molecular weight reference sample lane and an overall dimension of 10x10cm to fit most vertical electrophoresis systems. Pre-cast electrophoresis gels for the 2D separation of proteins form 6 to 240 kD…
Analytical workflows for anti-doping, using LC tools
Adept HPLC System 3
Cecil Instruments LimitedHigh pressure mixing isocratic autosampler system, with UV/Visible detector and PowerStream software
CORIO CD-601F Refrigerated/Heating Circulator
JULABO GmbHThe new generation of laboratory circulators for routine work and standard tasks
CORIO CD-900F Refrigerated/Heating Circulator
JULABO GmbHThe new generation of laboratory circulators for routine work and standard tasks.
CORIO CD-300F Refrigerated/Heating Circulator
JULABO GmbHLaboratory Circulators for routine work and standard tasts
CORIO CD-600F Refrigerated/Heating Circulator
JULABO GmbHLaboratory Circulators for routine work and standard tasts
CORIO CD-900F Refrigerated/Heating Circulator
JULABO GmbHLaboratory Circulators for routine work and standard tasts