Optimizing Efficiency - Experience using bedside Hs cTnI for Accelerated Chest Pain Protocols in ERsAvailable on-demand
TNFα Inhibitors in Spondyloarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis - Clinical and Laboratory PerspectivesAvailable on-demand
Making science out of art: Digitization and context in full-field morphological hematologyAvailable on-demand
Simplifying Laboratory Hematology: Implementing Data-Driven Solutions to Increase Quality and EfficiencyAvailable on-demand
Hands-free microbiology: Empower your laboratory with automation and artificial intelligence solutionsAvailable on-demand
Breaking barriers: Leveraging novel therapies and lifestyle interventions for patients with diabetes and obesityAvailable on-demand
Is it time to say “goodbye” to tuberculin skin testing (TST) when on-boarding healthcare workers?Available on-demand
Burden and management of viral respiratory infections in the pediatric population: What the COVID-19 pandemic has changedAvailable on-demand
Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants and their relevance to in vitro allergy diagnosticsAvailable on-demand
Diagnostic approaches to determining food allergy versus food sensitivity / intoleranceAvailable on-demand
The role of lactate in early sepsis identification: Experiences from intensive careAvailable on-demand
Developing the 5-minute point-of-care PCR test: A technology revolutionising molecular diagnosticsAvailable on-demand