Product NewsBruker Daltonics Introduces Next-Generation ETD II Top-Down Capability for its Proteomics Market-Leading HCT-Ultra™ High Capacity Ion Trap
Product NewsBruker Daltonics Announces new HAWK™ FR Stand-off Detector with 120 Degree Scanner for Chemical Agent Detection in Homeland Security Applications
Product NewsBruker Daltonics Introduces Next-Generation Qq-TOF Mass Spectrometer with Breakthrough for Unambiguous Molecular Formula Determination
Product NewsThermo Fisher Scientific Installs TSQ Quantum™ Mass Spectrometer on a Bus for Mobile Environmental Monitoring
Product NewsNew 4titude<sup>®</sup> FRAME<i>star</i><sup>®</sup> 96 and 384 Well PCR Plates Maximise Ease-Of-Use and Yield in PCR Automation.
Product NewsLab M extends SMART QA Proficiency Testing Scheme for food industry to labs outside the UK
Product NewsLumencor Awarded SBIR Grant from the National Institutes of Health to Pursue Development of Novel Light Engine for Bioanalytical Research Applications
Product NewsNew forensic testing kit from Applied Biosystems helps improve DNA analysis in sexual assault cases
Product NewsCYCLERtest PCR thermal cycler validation now with UKAS Accreditation for complete confidence in your PCR data