Products & ReviewSeparations
JMS-TQ4000GC Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
The JMS-TQ4000GC Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer accurately measures trace or residual pesticides in agricultural materials, trace levels of regulated chemicals in tap water, and simplifies quantitative analysis of persistent environmental pollutants such as dioxins and PCB’s.
Fast and Accurate Quantitative Values
The JMS-TQ4000GC offers three distinct technologies for high speed analysis:
- Ion Accumulation - the short collision cell accumulates ions and ejects them in rapid pulses. The noise level of the signal is reduced by synchronizing the timing between pulsed ion ejection and signal acquisition, making high-sensitivity analysis possible.
- Short Cell - the short collision cell accumulates the ions for a given short time and then ejects them in a pulse. The noise level of the signal can be reduced by synchronizing the timing between pulsed ion ejection and signal acquisition, making high-sensitivity analysis possible.
- Fast GC technique – By using a capillary column with a small diameter and short length with a fast oven temperature ramp, the TQ4000GC can reduce measurement time, significantly expediting routine analysis. Because the peak widths in the Fast-GC chromatogram are narrow, high-speed transitions are required. Short collision cell technology provides enough high-speed transitions for Fast-GC measurement without any sensitivity loss.
Easier and Faster Data Analysis
- With an easy-to-read layout and simple operation, the TQ4000GC data analysis software "Escrime™" was developed for simultaneous multi-component analysis. Chromatograms are arranged in a vertical column making it easy to compare samples. Combined with the compound “slideshow” function, the Escrime software makes it easy for the chemist to confirm all samples and components.
Wide Range of Organic Analyses
- In addition to the standard electron ionization (EI) source, the JMS-TQ4000GC also supports optional chemical ionization (CI) and photoionization (PI) sources, enabling easy acquisition of molecular weight information. The system is not limited to just GC-MS and can also do 2 types of direct probe experiments: direct insertion probe (DIP) for insoluble compounds and direct exposure probe (DEP) for high boiling point and labile compounds.
Easy Maintenance
- No tools are required to remove the ion source from main body. The high pumping capacity of the vacuum system makes it possible to resume analysis very quickly.