Products & ReviewSpectroscopy


MX908 is a multi-mission handheld, portable mass spectrometer utilized by elite responders conducting chemical, explosive, priority drug and HazMat operations around the world. MX908 detects compounds at trace levels with a high level of sensitivity and unparalleled selectivity, giving you actionable intelligence that other technologies can’t.

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MX908 delivers exceptional selectivity and sensitivity for identification of priority drugs, chemical warfare agents, explosives, toxic industrial chemicals, and pesticides. This handheld tool leverages high-pressure mass spectrometry™ (HPMS) to detect trace-level drugs including fentanyl, meth, cocaine, heroin, and emerging classes such as cathinones and cannabinoids. The sensitivity of HPMS lets users conduct field analysis of unknown substances and generate actionable intelligence in real-time. Detection and identification of substances at trace levels minimizes exposure while allowing the user to rapidly assess threat levels, establish probable cause, and prioritize investigatory resources accordingly.

Benefits: Handheld portable device, Quick drug ID in under one minute, All phase detection - solid, liquid, vapor, aerosol.
Applications: Correctional Facilities, Drug Investigations, Clandestine Laboratory Remediation, Border Security, Hazmat Response, and more.

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