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High-Resolution and Analytical Schottky VP FE-SEM with Large Sample Chamber

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Hitachi High-Tech Europe

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The SU7000 is ideal for large or heavy samples and for integrating a wide range of accessories. These accessories include analytical detectors or stage attachments for in-situ sample manipulation (stretching [tensile] / compression, heating/cooling, probing, microtome serial sections, etc.). Equipped like the SU8700 with Hitachi’s universal high-resolution, field-free electron optics (consisting of Schottky emitter and beam booster), the SU7000 also has a large analytical sample chamber with fully retractable sample stage. The stage is suitable for samples up to 200mm diameter, 80mm height, 2kg mass. It comes with multiple chamber access points on the sample chamber and chamber door. Easy stage navigation is made possible by an integrated colour camera.

Product features:

  • Durable and stable Hitachi Schottky field emitter with up to 200nA probe current
  • Brilliant imaging performance - without the need for an opposing field on the sample - from 100V (10V option) up to 30kV acceleration voltage
  • Large analytical sample chamber with many access ports for accessories, and a eucentric sample stage for samples up to 80mm height and 200mm diameter
  • Analytical EDX working distance of 6mm enables simultaneous or rapidly changing high-resolution and analytical work

Product Overview
