Food and Beverage Products & Reviews

Food and beverage testing is a critical scientific practice that ensures food safety, food quality, and compliance of food and drink products. Through comprehensive analysis, food testing labs assess factors such as microbiological contamination, chemical residues, nutritional content, and authenticity. By adhering to strict regulatory standards and industry guidelines, food and beverage testing helps maintain product integrity, fight food fraud, prevent foodborne illnesses, and meet consumer expectations for safety and transparency. Explore how food and beverage testing labs play a pivotal role in safeguarding public health and promoting trust in the global food supply chain.

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High Capacity RNA-to-cDNA Master Mix

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The High Capacity RNA-to-cDNA Master Mix optimizes cDNA synthesis for high-throughput, real-time gene expression analysis. • Single tube, complete first-strand cDNA synthesis master mix reduces experimental variability and streamlines workflow • 5X concentration provides robust results even with dilute RNA samples and rare or abundant transcripts • Liquid format at –10 and –20°C eliminates freeze/thaw cycles and maximizes chem…

|1 Review

Veriti™ 384-Well Thermal Cycler

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Veriti™ 384-Well Thermal Cycler (0.02 mL) delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems 9700 GeneAmp® instruments with the throughput you need for large experiments. • Network up to 12 instruments together using standard Ethernet cables and a router (not provided) • From a single, networked Veriti™ instrument, start a run on up to 12 Veritis • Conveniently place instruments side-by-side due to front to back venti…

|1 Review

Veriti™ 60-Well Thermal Cycler

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Veriti™ 60-Well Thermal Cycler delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems 9600 and 9700 GeneAmp® instruments with the 0.5 mL format you need to accomodate larger reaction volumes. . Additionally, the powerful user interface through the color touch screen simplifies the setup and use of the Veriti 60-Well Thermal Cycler. Optional setups for fast or standard PCR methods provide you the flexibility to shorten your…

|4 Reviews

Megaplex™ Primer Pools

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Whether your profiling experiment requires ultimate sensitivity, broad coverage or both, Megaplex™ Primer Pools provide the flexibility to reach your research goals. Megaplex Primer Pools deliver comprehensive coverage of Sanger miRBase v10, and when used with TaqMan® MicroRNA Arrays, offer an ideal miRNA profiling solution. Optional Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers significantly enhance the ability to detect low expressed miRNAs en…

|1 Review

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Hitachi Software Engineering Europe S.A.

New optics and improved graphite furnace power supply circuit enhance sensitivity. Using common hollow cathode lamps, Z-2000 Series spectrophotometer is capable of analyzing As, Se and Sb in tap water and environmental water, which previously have only been measurable by using EDL (high-intensity) lamps in conventional graphite furnace analyses. Key Features:•High Quality-Excellent Sensitivity using Zeeman Method and Dual Det…

|1 Review

ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 (USP L1)

Agilent Technologies

Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB columns – C18, C8, Phenyl and CN – provide four bonded phase choices for method development optimization. These columns provide good peak shape over a wide pH range (2–9) for additional method development flexibility with one family of columns. Eclipse XDB columns can be used for method development at low pH (2–3) and the same column can be used for method development in the mid pH (6–8) region.

|5 Reviews

IsoPrime IRMS

Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH

The IsoPrime is a high performance gas source stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer designed to operate in dual inlet or continuous flow modes of operation. The modules are designed to handle samples such as solids, liquids or gases and prepare them to be introduced into the ion source of the IRMS as purified gases. Resultant prepared gases such as (H2, CO2, CO, N2, SO2 or N2O) are then ionised and analysed for their isotopic…

|2 Reviews

GC/MS Semi-volatiles Analyzer

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent GC/MS Semi-volatiles Analyzer makes use of the latest GC/MS technologies to improve laboratory productivity and produce consistent, high-quality data from day one. Agilent Capillary Flow Technology provides backflushing of high-boiling components to improve analysis time and reduce maintenance. A Multimode Inlet offers lower detection limits than a standard split/splitless inlet. Deconvolution Reporting Software wo…

|7 Reviews

Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Master Mix

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Solaris qPCR Master Mix has been developed in conjunction with Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Assays for quantification of DNA and cDNA. Optimal qPCR results using probe detection chemistries can be achieved by using this same system of qPCR products. Optimized Solaris qPCR Master Mixes have been developed to ensure the best possible Solaris assay performance. In addition to enhanced performance, these optimized reagents offer…

|2 Reviews