Food and Beverage Products & Reviews

Food and beverage testing is a critical scientific practice that ensures food safety, food quality, and compliance of food and drink products. Through comprehensive analysis, food testing labs assess factors such as microbiological contamination, chemical residues, nutritional content, and authenticity. By adhering to strict regulatory standards and industry guidelines, food and beverage testing helps maintain product integrity, fight food fraud, prevent foodborne illnesses, and meet consumer expectations for safety and transparency. Explore how food and beverage testing labs play a pivotal role in safeguarding public health and promoting trust in the global food supply chain.

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7500 Real-Time PCR System

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a leading edge system with features to support labs requiring more capabilities from their real time PCR platform. Run time of less than 2 hours Variable excitation and five-color detection enable you to use a broad range of fluorophores including FAM™/SYBR® Green I, VIC®/JOE, NED™/ TAMRA™/ Cy3™, ROX™/Texas Red®, and Cy5™ dyes for greater assay versatility. Measure g…

|45 Reviews

Automated System for BigDye® Terminator Cleanup

Hamilton Company

Removal of unincorporated dye terminator after DNA sequencing reactions is a prerequisite to load samples on automated capillary sequencers. For rapid and effective removal of unincorporated dye terminator, Agencourt CleanSEQ® uses Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRIT) of DNA products on magnetic microparticles. The kit has been automated on the HAMILTON MICROLAB® STAR. The flexibility of the STAR and the robustness of…

|1 Review

CompacT SelecT™ SC Automated stem cell culture system

TAP Biosystems

CompacT SelecT SC cultures multiple stem cell lines in parallel in T-Flasks and plates without cross contamination. Offers reliable and consistent maintenance, expansion and differentiation of stem cell lines. CompacT SelecT™ is the leading automated cell culture system, used in labs across commercial and academic life science. It is now available with new options to enable the culturing of complex cell lines for oncology pro…

|1 Review

Super Duncan Thermal Cycler


KBiosystems DT-24 and DT-108 Thermal Cycling PCR systems are an alternative way of carrying out medium and high throughput PCR protocols on DNA replication and incubation to micro well format plates. Conventionally peltier heat transfer units have been used to carry out these operations, these however can prove costly to increase productivity throughput and do not optimise the yield potential of carrying out such thermal op…

|2 Reviews


Foss Tecator AB

Foss Kjeltec Systems - A Kjeltec for every need The new Foss Kjeltec series is designed to attain the best possible accuracy and precision in Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis. In order to answer all types of analytical requirements, the range consists of a number of instruments, from manual distillation units to fully automated Auto Sampler Systems. The more safety features we build into the instrument, the less you will have to ke…

|3 Reviews



Unique for high-resolution respirometry to evaluate mitochondrial function in health and disease in mitochondrial physiology and pathology respiration of mitochondria, cultured cells and small tissue biopsies functional diagnosis substrate/inhibitor titrations kinetics Basic components Oxygraph-2k chamber - optimum chamber volume Polarographic oxygen sensor - oxygen concentration DatLab softwa…

|3 Reviews

LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System

The Roche LightCycler 480 System - Another breakthrough in real-time PCR analysis of gene expression and melting curve-based mutation analysis.The Roche LightCycler 480 RT-PCR System combines amazing speed with exceptional accuracy and will meet the needs of a broad range of scientific applications in genomics research including array validation, gene-knockdown studies, and SNP analysis.This Roche Light Cycler PCR supports all…

|39 Reviews

MessageAmp™ II aRNA Amplification Kits

Ambion Inc

Increased amplification – Up to 5,000-fold Greater sensitivity due to increased yields of full-length cDNA GeneChip® quantities of aRNA from only 100 ng input RNA Efficient labeling produces high percent present calls and low 3'/5' ratios Expression profiling using gene arrays to simultaneously measure the expression levels of thousands of genes in a single experiment has become the most widely used method for assessing…

|2 Reviews

6200 Series Accurate-Mass Time-of-Flight (TOF) LC/MS

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent 6230B TOF LC/MS system provides accurate mass analyses for a variety of analytical applications including profiling, identification, characterization, and quantification of both small and large molecules. Together with advanced accurate mass software processing tools the 6230B supports applications including drug development, toxicology, and the analysis of recombinant proteins.

|9 Reviews