Light Microscopy Products & Reviews


Light microscopes or optical microscopes are used to visualize microscale objects under magnification, including cells, clinical specimens and materials. Lab equipment for light microscopy includes confocal microscopes, fluorescence microscopes, zoom and stereo microscopes. Microscope slides and imaging reagents are available for visualizing samples, as well as various microscope stages and incubators for large or temperature-sensitive samples. Find the best light microscopes in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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Morphology Explorer V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

Morphology Explorer V2 is a powerful general-purpose image analysis application for measuring size, shape, and distribution of cells, colonies, and subcellular components.  It performs sophisticated calculations in a turn-key, automated manner allowing higher throughput of complex cell-based assays.  This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.    Available for the Cellomics…

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Cell Health Profiling V2 Image Analysis BioApplication for Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity

Cell Health Profiling V2 is a flexible image analysis application employing advanced cell-level logic to detect and classify cell health-related events.  It analyzes patterns of cellular fluorescent labeling that can be used to classify cells as undergoing apoptotic, necrotic, or other cell death mechanisms.  This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.  Available for the Cel…

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Cell Cycle V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

The Cell Cycle V2 BioApplication is a sophisticated image analysis algorithm that performs automated analysis of the cell cycle phase of individual and populations of cells.  It reports cell cycle phase as well as the state of up to 3 target proteins for every cell analyzed, and correlates the target data with DNA content.  This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.  Availa…

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Cytotoxicity V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

The Cytotoxicity V2 BioApplication is an image analysis application that simultaneously measures four markers of cytotoxicity (nuclear fragmentation/condensation, permeability, lysosomal mass-pH, and cell count) and reports individual and composite indicies of cytotoxicity.  The V2 version has been enhanced with object segmentation to allow clumped cells to be efficiently analyzed.  Available for the Cellomics ArrayScan VTI, A…

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Extended Neurite Outgrowth V2 Image Analysis BioApplication for Neurobiology

Extended Neurite Outgrowth V2 is an advanced image analysis algorithm that can quantitate neurite outgrowth with features such as cell body area and branch point quantitation, cell subpopulation analysis, Ability to analyze neuron subsets expressing up to two distinct neurotransmitters.  It reports all features at the cell, well, and subpoulation level, and is biologically validated to enhance confidence in your image-based da…

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Compartmental Analysis V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

Compartmental Analysis V2 is a powerful general image analysis tool for quantitating intracellular intensity changes in specific sub-cellular regions across multiple fluorescent channels.  It performs spot analysis and reports intensity ratios and differences among sub-cellular regions and/or different fluorophores.  This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.  Available for…

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Cell Motility V2 Image Analysis BioApplication for Cancer Research

The Cell Motility V2 BioApplication is a advanced image analysis algorithm for measuring the overall motility of cells.  It quantitates total distance traveled by each cell exposed to growth factor or compound for a quantiative assessment of cell motility.  The V2 version includes advanced analytical capabilities such as population analysis and object segmentation.  This application has been biologically validated, enhancing c…

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Spot Detector V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

Spot Detector V2 performs measurements of number, size, and other features of spots in cells.  It is an easy-to-use and essential component of any image analysis software suite.  This tool is excellent for measuring receptor internalization and trafficking, cell proliferation and counting, Analyzing populations. This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.  Available for the…

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Neurite Outgrowth V2 Image Analysis BioApplication for Neurobiology

The Neurite Outgrowth V2 BioApplication is a streamlined image analysis algorithm for morphological analysis of neurite outgrowth. Utilizes fluorescent images of neurons and neurites stained for tubulin to quantitate the number and length of neurites in a population of cells.  This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.  Available for the Cellomics ArrayScan VTI, ArrayScan x…

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Cyto-Cell Membrane Translocation V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

Cyto-Cell Membrane Translocation V2 is a multi-channel image analysis algorithm for analysis of targets that translocate from cytoplasm to cell membrane.  It utilizes colocalization of fluorescent markers to report whether the target is co-localized to the membrane, and reports cells' behavior relative to a control population.   This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.  A…

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GPCR Signaling V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

GPCR Signaling V2 is a high-content image analysis application for quantitation of the activation of G-protein coupled receptors.  Classifies cells into different phases based on pattern of receptor complex distribution and reports details of and percentage of cells with Type A and Type B recycling activity.  This application has been biologically validated, enhancing confidence in your image-based data.  Available for the Cel…

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Tube Formation BioApplication

The Tube Formation BioApplication is an image analysis module that easily and reliably quantitates angiogenic tube formation in vitro.  It  identifies tubes based on morphological properties, and measures number, tube size (area), and other features of tubes in cell cultures.  This BioApplication calculates and reports reports number of connected vs. unconnected tubes, number of nodes (branch points), and angiogenic index.  T…

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Dimension Microscope

Lambda Solutions, Inc.

The Dimension-M1™ Raman MicroscopeLambda Solutions now provides a unique coupling of its Dimension series Raman systems to Nikon or Olympus microscopes. The result is a high performance Raman microscope at an extraordinary value. The Dimension-M1™ is available as an integrated unit, or as a Dimension-P1™ Raman System with the addition of a microscope and a Raman Microscope Adapter.  This system is available with the high spati…

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OptoScan Monochromator

Cairn Research Ltd

The Optoscan monochromator from Cairn Research is the only instrument of its type to offer control of both centre-wavelength and bandwidth with millisecond time resolution. Combined with Cairn signal processing modules and optical hardware it forms the heart of a powerful and flexible microfluorescence system. Alternatively it can be readily integrated into commercial imaging systems, or custom controlled for bespoke applicati…

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Manual Goniometer

Rame Hart Inc

ramé-hart instrument co. is pleased to offer our Model 100. Based on the classic design of Dr. William Zisman and with over 40 years of experience, this tool is proven for its accuracy and ease of use. Many modular options are available -- including an imaging upgrade kit with camera and software -- and allow the user to make sophisticated measurements.This model provides the surface scientist or technician with the tools nece…

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Liquid Crystal Tuneable Optical Filter

Laser Physics UK Ltd

Meadowlark Optics’ Liquid Crystal Tuneable Optical Filters facilitate spectral analysis of not only a collimated beam, but of an entire object. With no moving parts, a resolution down to 0.001nm and a tuning rate of less than 100ms, these robust filters are calibration free and can replace literally 1000s of filters for applications including fluorescence and absorption microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and solar astronomy. At 38…

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Spatial Light Modulator

Laser Physics UK Ltd

Meadowlark Optics manufactures a range of world leading Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs) providing precision beam control. The 2-dimensional Hex series are designed for adaptive optics applications as real-time programmable phase mask for wave front correction, such as a variable iris with no moving parts. With its high optical power handling characteristics, the Linear SLM can be used to alter the temporal profile of femto sec…

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cellTIRF - The next level of TIRF microscopy imaging


Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) has firmly established itself over the last few years as a key technique in the investigation of molecular interactions at or near the cell surface.Olympus is experienced in providing advanced TIRFM solutions and cell^tirf takes this technology to the next level with a series of peerless features such as highly advanced optics, unique independent laser control and excep…

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UIS2 Fluorescence Filter Cubes


The UIS2 mirror units are optimized for maximal fluorophore performance, producing uniform and highly efficient light transmittance. The filter efficiency allows for the use of weaker excitation light, thereby minimizing photobleaching and damage to the sample.

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