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Styragel Columns for Polymer Characterization


Designed specifically for polymer characterization, the Styragel® columns are grouped into the HR series for low-to-mid molecular weight samples, the HT series for high-temperature applications, and the HMW series for high molecular weight samples. Specifically controlled styrene divinylbenzene formulations provide reproducible performance in your GPC applications.

|1 Review

Ultrahydrogel SEC columns


Packed with hydroxylated polymethacrylate-based gel, Waters Ultrahydrogel™ SEC columns are ideal for the analysis of aqueous-soluble samples, such as oligomers; oligosaccharides; polysaccharides; and cationic, anionic, and amphoteric polymers. Measuring 7.8 mm x 300 mm, these high-resolution columns offer many advantages over conventional aqueous SEC columns, such as: - A wide pH range (2–12) - Compatibility with high concen…

|3 Reviews

Sep-Pak® Cartridges and Plates


Sep-Pak Plates enable high throughput solid-phase extraction with the same silica sorbents that have been proven for years in Sep-Pak Cartridges. The plate design has been optimized for automated sample handling systems as well as for standard vacuum manifolds. Sep-Pak Plates are available with different silica sorbent mass selections to optimize sample loading.

|3 Reviews



Alpha is a bead-based, no-wash luminescent technology. When Alpha Donor and Acceptor beads are brought together through binding to target, a cascade of chemical reactions is set in motion, creating an amplified signal. These versatile beads are conjugated with various biomolecules that enable detection of unique biological events, offering maximum flexibility.

|1 Review

StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Applied Biosystems’ latest entry-level real-time PCR instrument, the StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System, makes it simple and easy to get high-quality real-time PCR results. This remarkably simple real-time PCR system is designed with a user-friendly, yet powerful, interface for researchers new to real-time PCR.

|7 Reviews
  • Best New Life Sciences Product of the Year

Spectrum HPCCC Range

Dynamic Extractions

The SPECTRUM range of High Performance CCC (HPCCC) equipment is based on traditional liquid/liquid partitioning and extends the purification options available to chemists, in Discovery and Development, who are looking purify samples from mgs to 5-10 grams of material. The equipment is easily connected and interfaced into existing LC equipment and provides options when existing solid phase technology cannot obtain the resolutio…

|2 Reviews

Oasis® µElution Plate


The Oasis® uElution plate format combined with the Oasis chemistries allow elution volumes as low as 25uL, eliminating the time consuming evaporation step, producing very clean extracts with a 5 to 10 fold increase in concentration.The Oasis® family of sample extraction products is designed to simplify and improve your sample preparation by combining the right sorbent chemistry, device format and methodology. Achieve robust, s…

|6 Reviews

GCT Premier™


The GCT Premier™ benchtop orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight (oa-TOF) mass spectrometer delivers high sensitivity, resolution, and exact mass measurements for GC/MS applications. Its fast data acquisition rates and automated workflow features match the requirements for MS detection when coupled to high-resolution capillary GC. A variety of GC inlet, ion source and software options makes the GCT Premier a versatile choice f…

|2 Reviews

Prominence HPLC System

The Shimadzu Prominence high-performance liquid chromatograph achieves an exceptional level of performance, reliability and great expandability to support diverse applications from ultra-fast liquid chromatography to preparative LC, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), ion chromatography, and LC/MS.Many analysis techniques use LCMS, which requires a front-end HPLC system to provide solvent delivery performance in the micro to…

|38 Reviews

Atlas Sodium

Syrris Limited

Atlas Sodium automates reactions in round bottomed flasks. It is equipped with a Magnetic Stirrer (up to 1200RPM) and a Scorpion Overhead Stirrer for viscous reactions (up to 800RPM). The Stacking Dry Bath enables heating of round bottom flasks from 50ml to 1 litre (to 280°C). Accurate reaction temperature control is provided using a Temperature Node and RTD Probe. The Atlas Clamp holds a range of different vessel sizes secure…

|1 Review

Prominence UFLC

The Prominence UFLC Series is an ultra-high-speed LC that achieves both ultra-high-speed analysis and ultra-high separation, based on high analysis precision and reliability. In addition to shortening analysis times, thereby heightening analysis efficiency and conserving solvent, this instrument supports reliable separation and detection of trace materials in a variety of fields. Applications include the evaluation of trace re…

|11 Reviews


High performance for a good price-performance ratio Get the high performance of the GC-2010 now also for your routine work. Based on the successful design of the GC-2010 the GC-2014 gives best results for routine analysis for a good price-performance ratio. Whether you work with packed or capillary columns, the digital flow control of the GC-2014 delivers excellent reproducibilities.

|12 Reviews

GCMS-QP2010 Plus

The GCMS-QP2010 Plus shows the highest sensitivity ever reached in a GCMS system. Ideal for rapid analysis of trace components, the GCMS-QP2010 Plus is the ideal instrument for complex organic mixtures in fields from forensics to environmental and food and flavours sciences. Intelligent software solutions like LRI (Linear Retention Index) and AART (Automatic Adjustment of Retention Times) make analysis not only easier but al…

|19 Reviews


ICPE-9000 is a simultaneous ICP-OES spectrometer utilizing a vacuum type Echelle optical system in combination with a large scale CCD detector designed for stable performance over extended periods. The ICPE-9000’s innovative Mini Torch minimizes cost by reducing consumption of argon gas to half that of conventional torches. The ICPE-9000 features easy-to-use, innovative ICPEsolution Software, which offers such features as a…

|2 Reviews

Synthesizer SLT II Platform

Chemspeed Technologies AG

Synthesizer SLT II Platform: Automated Synthesis Workflow on one Platform The Synthesizer SLT II Platform combines fully automated and unattended synthesis with innovative chemical handling techniques capable of dispensing solids as conveniently and accurately as liquids. The versatility of the Synthesizer Platform allows full automation of complete workflows including reagent preparation (liquids and solids), multistep synth…

|1 Review

Toploading Balances

The new line of Shimadzu Top-loading balances are engineered with the UniBloc mechanism resulting in unrivaled response, stability und durability. UW series includes internal calibration and fully-automatically calibration functions. Powerful features support any imaginable weighing application :  - Temperature-controlled and time-controlled fully-automatically calibration  - Formulation mode  - Piece-counting function  - Wind…

|2 Reviews

Clarity Chromatography Software for Gel Permeation Chromatography

DataApex Ltd

Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) / Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) is the technique used for obtaining a rapid and reliable characterization of polymer molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. Clarity Chromatography Software with GPC Extension provides interactive and automated GPC analysis, including recalibration and GPC reporting, as well as simplifies the retrieval of GPC data. The GPC Extension allows fl…

|2 Reviews

Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD is the most powerful instrument for proteomics analyses: It combines three different and complementary fragmentation techniques CID, HCD, and ETD with the proven benefits of Orbitrap technology. It is the most comprehensive solution for complex PTM analysis, intelligent sequencing of peptides, top-down and middle-down analysis, and protein quantitation via stable isotope labelling su…

|6 Reviews

Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL - The Most Confident Protein Identification The Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL hybrid FTMS (Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer) supports a wide range of applications from routine compound identification to the most challenging analysis of low level components in complex mixtures. The LTQ Orbitrap XL is based on the fast and highly sensitive Thermo Scientific LTQ XL linear ion trap and th…

|28 Reviews