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Selected Filters:


UCT, Inc.

The latest addition to UCT’s QuEChERS line puts a new “spin” on dSPE. SpinFiltr™ combines the practice of conventional dSPE with the added benefit of ultrafiltration. UCT’s new format of dSPE salts paired with a 0.2µm filtration device, simultaneously removes unwanted matrix compounds and filters samples without the need for any additional steps. With traditional dSPE, analysts must pay close attention when removing t…

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Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) ELISA

Ansh Labs

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) immunoassay is a useful research tool in reproductive endocrinology studies related to primary ovarian insufficiency, oncofertility, gonadotoxicity, menopause, premature ovarian aging, PCOS, neonatal gender determination, Cryptorchidism, Testicular (Leydig/Sertoli cell) function.

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Inhibin A ELISA

Ansh Labs

The Inhibin A enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of dimeric inhibin A in human serum and plasma. It is intended for in vitro diagnostic use as an aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of various hormonal reproductive disorders.

|1 Review

Activin A ELISA

Ansh Labs

Elevated levels of activin A have been implicated in colorectal and breast cancers in post-menopausal women. FST and FSTL3 are natural binding proteins of activin A. Exogenous FST/FSTL3 do not interfere with activin A determinations. Activin signaling also has been studied as an emerging target for therapeutics.

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Inhibin B ELISA

Ansh Labs

Inhibin B is a useful research tool in Reproductive Endocrinology studies related to ovarian function assessment, spermatogenesis and testicular function, and oocyte quality.

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PURA Water Baths


The PURA water bath from JULABO sets new standards of performance with innovative technologies that leave conventional water baths behind.

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VL21 Live Cell Imaging


The Phasefocus Virtual Lens® provides non-toxic phenotypic screening for live cells, enabling long-term time-lapse assays without the need for fluorescent labels.  This is an important consideration for the screening of sensitive primary cells, and stem cells.

|3 Reviews

Operetta CLS™ High-Content Analysis System


Uncover deep biological understanding in your everyday assays and innovative applications using the Operetta CLS™ high-content analysis system. Featuring a unique combination of technologies, the system delivers all the speed, sensitivity and resolution you need to reveal fine sub-cellular details. And with our simple, powerful Harmony software, Operetta CLS™ lets you find even subtle phenotypic changes.

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Biotix Deep Well Plates


Biotix 96 and 384-Well Microplates are made of non-treated, medical-grade virgin polypropylene and conform to SBS standards for automated high throughput processing and compound storage.

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Biotix Microcentrifuge Tubes


Biotix microcentrifuge tubes are boil proof and rated up to 20,000 RCF. Available in natural polypropylene or low binding format for use with proteins and other high viscosity samples.

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Biotix PCR Tubes


Biotix PCR tubes consist of a thin and uniform wall thickness that provides equal thermal transfer through the tube for optimal amplification.  Easy to open caps prevent leaking and evaporative effects when undergoing an amplification process.

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