Nanoliter Liquid Handler Products & Reviews


Nanoliter Liquid Handler

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Automated Liquid Handling
Nanoliter Liquid Handler
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D300e Digital Dispenser


The D300e Digital Dispenser* uses direct digital dispensing technology to enable rapid delivery of picoliter to microliter sample volumes. It delivers fast, reliable performance across a large dynamic range, eliminating the need for slow, error-prone and wasteful serial dilutions for creation of dose-response curves and enabling miniaturized qPCR reaction set-up.

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dragonfly® discovery

SPT Labtech

dragonfly discovery enables innovative, low volume liquid dispensing that is compatible with a wide range of applications including molecular biology and genomics, biochemical assays, as well as cell- and bead-based assays. 

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  • Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year
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NT8® v4


Reliable Drop Setting: Reduce Costs + Increase Reproducibility The NT8 ® - Drop Setter/Crystallization Robot is a fast, nanoliter-volume liquid handler with drop dispensing capability, including setting drops for Lipidic Cubic Phase (LCP) experiments. The 8-tip head aspirates and dispenses drops from 10 nL to 1.5 μL.

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Build Crystallization Screens with Ease The FORMULATOR ® - Screen Builder is a next-generation liquid handler specifically designed for Protein Crystallography that uses patented microfluidic technology to dispense up to 34 different ingredients to design even the most complex optimization screens. A 96-nozzle dispensing chip can dispense any volume of any ingredient of any viscosity into any well.

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TEMPEST® Liquid Dispenser


The TEMPEST ®  is a high throughput, multiple reagent dispensing platform. With up-to 96 independently controllable dispensing nozzles it can be a plate-filling workhorse or a flexible assay-development partner, adapting to your needs on the fly. Used in a broad range of application areas such as cell-based and biochemical assays; molecular biology and NGS; as well as high-throughput screening.

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BioDot Inc.

Discrete Picoliter, Nanoliter, and Microliter drops with unmatched speed and precision by combining proprietary Rainmaker™ and BioJet™ dispensing technologies on one platform.

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  • Best New General Lab Product of the Year
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Hielscher USA, Inc.

Save on the full package! This set includes all items required for the research and testing of ultrasonic liquid processes. It combines a powerful, 1,000 watts ultrasonic processor with a robust stainless steel flow cell, two sonotrodes, boosters and a versatile power meter so that you can vary all parameters important to ultrasonic liquid processes. This set is the perfect pack for R&D, pilot scale and small production level…

|1 Review

Echo® 525 Liquid Handler

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

The Echo 525 platform, like the other Echo liquid handler models, is designed to use sound energy to transfer reagents. Unlike the other Echo models, the Echo 525 platform transfers at a larger volume increment (25 nL). This enables the more rapid transfer of aqueous reagents required in biochemical and genomics assays setup.

|4 Reviews

Preddator Bulk Reagent Dispenser


The world’s most flexible, non-contact bulk reagent dispenser. The Preddator is a low-volume, non-contact, bulk reagent dispenser that was designed and developed in close collaboration with research scientists from two major pharmaceutical companies. The Preddator now offers an unparalleled set of features and benefits to users of bulk reagent dispensers. Features & Benefits: Simple fluid pathway - Reduces dead volume…

|2 Reviews

Echo® 520 Liquid Handler

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Imagine preparing assay plates for siRNA screening, compound screening with biochemical and cell-based assays, PCR reactions and more all on a single liquid handling platform, with no tips and no cross-contamination. Labcyte has developed new acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) parameters that deliver built-in intelligence to enable users to transfer many different fluid types from a single instrument. All Echo systems come pre-ca…

|2 Reviews

au301 - Rainmaker uDispensing Pattern Generator

Engineering Arts

• An ideal platform for manufacturing or developing products using microdispensing (MicroArray, Lab-On-Chip, etc..) • Up to 16 ActivePipette dispense heads. • Integrated Machine Vision to insure quality droplet production and high manufacturing yields. • Precise Linear Motor Positioning System (1um Resolution) • High throughput "On-The-Fly" dispense.

|1 Review

Echo® 550 Liquid Handler

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Imagine preparing assay plates for siRNA screening, compound screening with biochemical and cell-based assays, PCR reactions and more all on a single liquid handling platform, with no tips and no cross-contamination. Labcyte has developed new acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) parameters that deliver built-in intelligence to enable users to transfer many different fluid types from a single instrument. All Echo systems come pre-ca…

|22 Reviews

Echo® 555 Liquid Handler

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Echo® 555 liquid handler - the world's fastest acoustic dispensing platform for life science applications. The Echo® 555 liquid handler is the world’s fastest acoustic liquid handling platform for life science applications. Laboratories that demand very high throughput rely upon the Echo 555 liquid handler for round-the-clock trouble-free operation to enable the fastest discovery.The Echo 555 doubles the throughput of the Ech…

|29 Reviews

Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi nL

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi nL – A low volume bulk reagent dispenser, expanding the range of the market-leading Multidrop product family. The Multidrop Combi nL provides accurate and consistent high throughput reagent dispensing across a volume range of 50nL to 50µL. It offers low volume dispensing into 96-, 384- and 1536- well plates with excellent precision and accuracy. Fast dispensing combined with full robotic…

|6 Reviews

Echo® 500 Series Liquid Handlers

The Echo® liquid handler revolutionizes liquid handling with acoustic energy. Sound waves eject precisely sized droplets from a source onto a microplate, slide or other surface suspended above the source. This product does not use tips, pin tools or nozzles—completely eliminating contact between the instrument and the liquid. The Echo liquid handler provides powerful benefits: Tipless transfer, resulting in dramatic cost s…

|82 Reviews

ATS Acoustic Transfer System

EDC Biosystems

Expand your capabilities with the ATS Acoustic Transfer System from EDC Biosystems. Now, you can reliably dispense ultra-low liquid volumes for your screens, assays, and even arrays while reducing waste, time and costs. The ATS transfers chemical and biological liquid-based materials with precision and control unlike any other liquid handling device on the market. Dispense any liquid with a viscosity of 20 cP or less inclu…

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