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Genotyping Service


Outsourcing your genotyping to Transnetyx can dramatically improve the quality and speed of your research. Eliminates Human Error - Our fully automated system never has a bad day, oversleeps, or suffers from hangovers. We ensure accuracy, reliability, and repeatability, sample after sample. Accelerates Your Research - With our fast, easy, and accurate genotyping, you can reallocate the time and resources you use for ge…

|4 Reviews

PreValidation Services


Simply the Right Mix - Designed to save you time and worries By combining support from our mixing specialists, our comprehensive toolbox of mixing solutions and a range of trial options in a new service package, Millipore now offers you a unique opportunity to help optimize your mixing process and achieve cost-effective results. Our PreValidation service package is built upon mixing knowledge accumulated by placing more than 1…

|1 Review

Cell Line Authentication

Promega Corp.

Promega has partnered with ATCC to offer unparalleled STR testing service for human cell line authentication.   This service provides easy access to proven and comprehensive validation techniques. Promega's proprietary PowerPlex® and GenePrint® STR technology coupled with ATCC's considerable experience profiling human cell lines and extensive internal assets around STR profiling data interpretation is particularly r…

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Genefficiency™ Targeted Sequencing Services

Oxford Gene Technology Ltd

OGT can help you get straight to the variant of interest with whole exome or custom targeted sequencing services. Genefficiency™ targeted sequencing services are designed to be different, leading you all the way from project conception to high-quality results. Our expert and comprehensive project design and analysis solutions — incorporating Agilent SureSelect, Illumina HiSeq 2000 and OGT-developed software platforms — are ta…

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Genefficiency™ RNA-Seq Service

Oxford Gene Technology Ltd

A high-quality RNA sequencing service designed to deliver cost-effective and rapid access to meaningful transcriptomics results. The Genefficiency™ RNA-Seq Service from OGT provides a new level of assay customisation to ensure each experiment is fully optimised to suit your specific study objectives. At OGT we understand the time and effort it takes to generate good quality RNA and how precious your samples are. Whether you a…

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scATAC-seq service


Assessing the genome-wide chromatin accessibility from individual cells provides unique insights of gene expression regulation for a number of fields such as development, oncology, and neurology. Bio-Rad’s SureCell ATAC-seq provides a fast, robust, and sensitive analysis of the epigenome at single-cell resolution. This method is powered by the combination of both Bio-Rad’s droplet-based microfluidic and a hyperactive Tn5 t…

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RRBS service


Single-base resolution CpG detection with our popular Premium RRBS kit (internal bisulfite conversion controls included) Latest technology in bisulfite-seq using Illumina sequencers: > 10x coverage per CpG More than 4 million CpGs detected in human samples As little as 100 ng in mammals, birds, fish ,and more Complete end-to-end service: wet lab to bioinformatics for only 550 per sample!

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EPIC array service


The Infinium MethylationEPIC Array is a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis technique based on bisulfite conversion and Illumina® technology. It allows to quantitatively detect the methylation level of over 850,000 human CpG positions throughout the genome with single nucleotide resolution.   Briefly, upon treatment with bisulfite, unmethylated cytosine bases are converted to uracil, while methylated cytosine bases remain…

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ChIP-seq service


Integrative or individual analyses for chromatin with ENCODE standards. End-to-end wet lab service and full ChIP-seq analysis Collaborative and customized project design to meet your needs Dedicated in-house expert Integrative epigenomics data analysis and presentation-ready graphs Expert, extensive bioinformatics

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Gene Synthesis Services


Bioneer is pleased to offer our Custom Gene synthesis service to help customers save time and money while improving research results. Gene synthesis is the most cost effective way to enhance your research. In as little as 2 weeks, you can have your Gene cloned in hand and 100% sequence guaranteed. And with Bioneer’s great pricing it can cost less to order a synthetic gene from us than to buy all the kits and reagents necessary…

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Mutation Services


The fastest and most cost effective way to construct a mutant library for protein structure and function research or to increase enzyme function is to use our Point Mutation Service combined with our Gene Synthesis Service. Site-directed mutation such as Point Mutation as well as deletion mutation services are available. For unsurpassed quality and value pricing, partner with Bioneer today!

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