White PapersMeasurement of Biophoton Emission in Plants –An Alternative Monitoring System for Stress Factors
White PapersDetection of Fluorescence in Transgenic Arabidopsis Lines ExpressingFluorophores in Different Subcellular Localizations
Application NotesAutomating the Dropping Process to Generate Quality Metaphase Spreads in Preparation for Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Application NotesImageXpress Micro System as a Solution for Monitoring Neuronal Stem Cell Expansion and Differentiation
Application NotesDetecting a Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line Using the iBox® Explorer™ Imaging Microscope
Application NotesIn Vivo Fluorescence Imaging of Tumor Proliferation Using Pre-labeled Cancer Cells and a Targeted Probe
Scientific PostersHuman Cell-Expressed EPO: The Role of Glycans in Mediating Proliferation and Differentiation of CD34+ Stem Cells.
Application NotesLC/MS/MS Analysis of Metabolites of Synthetic Cannabinoids JWH-018 and JWH-073 in Urine
Scientific PostersAn In Silico Test Battery For Rapid Evaluation of Genotoxic and Carcinogenic Potential of Chemicals
Scientific PostersClassification of Drugs by CNS Access: An Insight from Quantitative Blood-Brain Transport Characteristics
Application NotesHuman PBMC Isolation and Counting Using the Scepter™ 2.0 Handheld Automated Cell Counter
Application NotesMulti-Color Flow Cytometry Protocol to Study Mesenchymal Stem Cells within a Heterogeneous Population