Search results for "ffpe challenges"
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See Science in a New Light
X-Radia Versa 600-Series is the New Generation of X-Ray Microscopes from ZEISS
New Series Includes two models, the 610 and the 620, with improved source and optics technology
SurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH ISCA v2, 4x180K
Agilent TechnologiesThe Agilent SurePrint G3 ISCA v2 CGH 4x180K Microarray dual-color chromosomal microarray contains 60-mer high-quality probes. The ISCA CGH microarray is an effective tool for targeted genome-wide DNA copy number variation profiling without reducing amplification or complexity.
SurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH ISCA v2, 8x60K
Agilent TechnologiesThe SurePrint G3 ISCA v2 CGH 8x60K dual-color chromosomal microarray contains 60-mer high-quality probes. The ISCA CGH microarray is an effective tool for targeted genome-wide DNA copy number variation profiling without amplification or complexity reduction.
SMARTer® ThruPLEX® DNA-seq
Takara BioThruPLEX DNA-seq Kit—General Purpose Library Preparation for Illumina NGS Platforms
BeatBox – Cell lysis and tissue homogenization simplified
PreOmicsEasy to use and fast tissue homogenizer and cell lyser for efficient and reproducible sample preparation
How scientists are looking after their local community
Experts at Lake County Health Department reveal how they are providing safe drinking water to local residents and reveal the powerful tool that is transforming how they analyze complex water samples to deliver quality water to all
Next-generation single-molecule, protein sequencing platform set to transform proteomics
Platinum®, Quantum-Si’s innovative protein sequencing platform, could bring affordable, benchtop protein sequencing with automated analysis to every lab
Coming of age: Leveraging clinical LC-MS technology for improved diagnostics
Explore how a clinical chemistry lab in India is meeting the growing demand for preventive diagnostics with LC-MS technology
Bio-Techne Awards 40,000 USD Research Grant to Innovative Cancer Researcher
Melanoma researcher selected as the winner of ‘RNAscope ISH Get Hybridized’ giveaway, supporting cutting-edge research
Clinical laboratory automation: Key considerations for your lab
Learn all about what it takes to achieve a fully automated clinical laboratory, as well as pre-purchase considerations with our clinical laboratory automation guide
Taking place today! Virtual Microbiology and Infectious Disease Summit 2022
Join us online, May 17th, to discover the latest developments in the fields of microbiology and infectious disease
Optimizing 2D-LC method development for QC test methods
Learn why 2D-LC is the method of choice for peak purity testing of drug products at Janssen Pharmaceuticals
CHEOPS finds unique planetary system
From sensitive detection to automated data management: Explore how Zymo Research is streamlining COVID-19 testing
Find out how Zymo Research’s state-of-the-art tools are helping laboratories and government agencies facilitate large-scale COVID-19 testing in the United States
Improving acquisition and analysis of 3D cell model assays with water immersion objectives
Sebastian Peck discusses an automated high-content imaging solution designed to deliver more precise results from complex biological assays
Latest Advances in Cell-Based Assays: SelectScience Special Feature
From rapid multiplexed analysis, 3D organoid imaging software, and automated plate processing, discover the top technologies, techniques and best practices for cell-based assay research