The Agilent and Atturos pathway for the development of targeted biomarker measurements for precision medicineAvailable on-demand
LC-MS/MS: The key to analyzing PFAS in milk, infant formula, and related food ingredientsAvailable on-demand
LC-MS/MS: The key to analysing PFAS in milk, infant formula, and related food ingredientsAvailable on-demand
NGS sample quality control: Advantages of automated next-generation sequencing library preparation and enrichment including sample QCAvailable on-demand
NGS sample quality control: Solutions for special challenges in next-generation sequencing workflowsAvailable on-demand
Optical spectroscopy: Advancing nano-material research with wet-chemical synthesisAvailable on-demand
NGS sample quality control: Comparison of different methods to isolate high-molecular weight DNA from bacteria for Nanopore sequencingAvailable on-demand
Call to action: Comprehensive pesticide testing required to ensure safe cannabis and cannabinoid productsAvailable on-demand
Climbing the peaks of GC intelligence: Discover the smart new features in Agilent GCsAvailable on-demand
Pesticide residue analysis in cannabis: Method fundamentals and confirmation strategiesAvailable on-demand
One instrument, two analyses: Residual solvents & terpenes on the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC/MS SystemAvailable on-demand
A total workflow for multi-class, multi-residue analysis of pesticides in fatty food matricesAvailable on-demand
Qualitative and quantitative characterization of antibodies and proteins by CE-MS, LC-MS and an automated immunoaffinity purification (IA)- CE-MS workflow in vitro and in vivoAvailable on-demand