GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit
Reimagine Released N-Glycan Analysis.

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Valuable kit.
The kit is easy to handle, just need to take some precautions but it works fine. The process of cleaning and labeling takes around 15 min.
Review Date: 4 Jun 2019 | Waters
Very good product for N-linked glycan analysis by HILIC-FLR-MS
N-linked glycan analysis for therapeutic protein characterization
Ease to use, strong FLR and MS signal for glycan ID and quantification.
Review Date: 27 Jun 2017 | Waters
Easy and high throughtput kit, but it can not be applied as it is for all the proteins
Glycoprotein characterization and glycoprofiles monitoring
The kit RapiFluor is an amazing solution for easily monitoring glycoprotein. As it is supplied, it is easy, quick and truly high throughput, as the small amount of sample is necessary. All the above combined with high fluorescence and MS signals. It is the best solution for monitoring the glycoprofiles batch to batch, with the support of MS info as provided by QDA detector. The sample preparation works well for a simple mix of glycans but it has to be optimized in case of complex protein (not antibody as IgG1) with big and very complex glycans and/or high sialylated glycans. In these cases the complete glycan release and the total recovery can be not easy. The usually hard identification of small peaks, despite the amount of starting protein is less, could be easier than in the past because of the high intensity of MS signals plus the GU values for RapidFluor in UNIFY platform.
Review Date: 24 Feb 2017 | Waters
Really good, by far better than anything else available on the market at the moment!
Amazing product! Really simplifies the work flow (you can process 24 samples in less than half a day), extremely high sensitivity and resolution by HILIC, MS compatible - for precise assignment of glycan peaks. Also - the final sample volume of 400uL gives the flexibility of measuring duplicates/triplicates by both HILIC and MS. It cannot be compared with 2-AB labelling, millions of times better! The price is higher than for 2-AB labelling, but the overall benefits for this product are incomparable.
Review Date: 27 Sept 2016 | Waters
Very clear results and easy to use
Analyze biologics and new glycoenzymes
The kit is very easy to use, especially following the 2-day training course Waters provided. The results are very clear and reproducible and considering all of the kit components it is very comparable with existing labels.
Review Date: 2 Sept 2016 | Waters
Thanks Waters
Glycosylation profile of mAbs.
The RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit is very useful for the analyst because it has very easy preparation steps. The results which are obtained are very robust.
Review Date: 24 Aug 2016 | Waters
Great MS sensitivity.
Glycan analysis
Clearness of the protocol and speed of the reaction. Data analysis with UNIFY could be better as database is not complete and dextran ladder is used but having the standard glycan with the rapid fluo label could help for difficult glycan.
Review Date: 17 Aug 2016 | Waters
Rapifluor Kit is amazing !!!!
N-Linked glycan analysis
My key area of interest has always been Glycobiology and I have been involved in glycan analysis since 2007. During my early days of sample preparation, it was a nightmare with regard to post labeling clean-up steps using cartridges. Life was made easy when i started using the µHILIC plates in 2014 . With the introduction of Rapifluor kit glycan analysis was never so amazing. Not just the high-throughput sample prep but also the FLR sensitivity is great especially for the low abundant glycoforms . Truly this kit can change the whole approach of Glycan analysis. The availability of the commercial Rapifluor standards including high mannose is really useful.Thanks to Waters for the marvelous innovation !!!!
Review Date: 29 Jul 2016 | Waters
Great results after certain effort on optimization
The product offers a fast and easy sample preparation. Some steps have to be optimized for each protein individually (for optimal denaturation/deglycosylation). It delivers great MS signals. Glycans can be identified easily without interfering background/dirt signals even more valuable considering the low sample amounts. A small drawback is the low tolerance against higher buffer salt concentrations. Again this has to be evaluated for each protein separately. The manual as it is, is not applicable for all glycoproteins and needs further optimization for individual topics.
Review Date: 11 Jul 2016 | Waters
Very good and reliable kit.
Released Glycans on in process and DSP antibodies
Extremely reproducible, using can be confusing, the names 'reagent 1,2,3,4'are are very confusing to me, as it is all the same. Also it should be indicated clearer if it is a box for 24 or 96 or 3 times 8. Finally, it would be good if there was a pipetting boat for all volumes to be added, especially the enzyme is a pain (1.2 microliter) when using multichannel pipet. The enzyme solution could be better 10 times diluted anyway.
Review Date: 11 Jul 2016 | Waters
Waters has developed the GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit. This technology enables unprecedented fluorescent and mass spectrometric performance for glycan detection while also improving the throughput of N-glycan sample preparation.
Streamlined Workflow
GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit reduces complicated, time consuming sample preparation.
- Easy-to-follow protocol
- Detailed tips and tricks provided for adaptation
- Easily train non-glycans experts
Fast Sample Preparation
The entire process, from glycoprotein to ready-to-analyze sample, can now be completed in less than 30 minutes*. This is made possible by fast deglycosylation combined with instant labeling.
- Increase lab efficiency
- Quickly analyze screen samples and provide feedback in a timely manner
Unprecedented Sensitivity
RapiFluor-MS is a reagent comprised of an NHS carbamate rapid tagging group, an efficient quinoline fluorophore, and a highly basic tertiary amine for enhancing MS ionization. As an NHS carbamate, unlike alternative rapid tagging reagents, it hydrolyzes over time to generate carbon dioxide and a corresponding amine. This makes RapiFluor-MS labeling a self-quenching reaction.
Enhanced chemical properties for glycan analysis:
- Rapid tagging
- Efficient fluorescence
- Enhanced ionization efficiency