qPCRBIO SyGreen® Mix
qPCRBIO SyGreen® Mix combines a proprietary non-inhibiting intercalating dye with the latest advances in polymerase technology and buffer chemistry to give you fast, highly sensitive, and reproducible real-time PCR.
Already use a lot, and will keep using this in the future
Easy to use, mix all the reagent to one mix with blue color and help to do qPCR faster and better.
Review Date: 12 Jan 2024 | PCR Biosystems
Cheap and good
Analyze gene expression
The product is easy to use and pretty cheap. The effectiveness is adequate to evaluate gene expression of also poorly expressed genes.
Review Date: 6 Feb 2022 | PCR Biosystems
qPCRBIO SyGreen® Mix can be used to reliably quantify any DNA template including genomic, cDNA and viral sequences using dye-based qPCR, and is able to detect extremely low copy number targets with the highest efficiency.