Life Sciences Products & Reviews

Life sciences encompass a diverse range of scientific disciplines focused on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. From basic life sciences (such as cell biology, genetics, immunology, and microbiology) to applied life sciences (such as disease research, multi-omics, and biotechnology), this broad field explores the fundamental processes of life and drives advancements in disease research, patient care, and our overall understanding of living organisms. Discover the endless possibilities of life sciences and their impact on shaping a healthier and more sustainable world.

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Bioprocessing Salt Active Nucleases - High Salt Conditions


Salt Active Nuclease High Quality (SAN HQ) is a Bioprocessing Grade nuclease available in GMP grade developed as the most efficient solution for removal of both single and double stranded DNA and RNA at high salt conditions(400–700 mM). It excels in DNA removal for robust viral vectors like Adenovirus and AAV, ensuring superior product purity while improving DSP. Ideal for gene therapy and vaccine manufacturing. Triton free av…

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SAP - Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase


ArcticZymes are the inventors of Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP). Including its recombinant version (rSAP), it is the first heat-labile, all-purpose alkaline phosphatase, Unlike other alkaline phosphatases, rSAP can be fully inactivated by a short heat treatment of 15 minutes at 65°C. SAP is the gold-standard DNA modifying enzyme, valued for its convenience and versatility. Available in glycerol-free, lyophilization friendl…

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ArcticZymes are the inventors of Cod Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (Cod UNG). Developed from Atlantic Cod it is the only commercially available UNG enzyme that is completely and irreversibly inactivated by moderate heat treatment. The enzyme is produced in a recombinant E. coli (ung-) strain that contains a modified Cod UNG gene. Ideal for PCR Carry-Over Prevention and other applications.

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Isothermal Low Temperature Range


ArcticZymes' IsoPol® isothermal polymerases are engineered for rapid, efficient DNA amplification in point-of-care (POC) settings. With enhanced strand displacement, high processivity, and tolerance to biological matrices, they allow faster diagnostics with minimal sample prep. IsoPol BST+ and IsoPol SD+ excel in challenging environments, supporting popular methods like LAMP for quick, reliable results at optimal temperatures.

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Heat&Run gDNA Removal Kit


The Heat&Run® gDNA removal kit removes contaminating gDNA from RNA prior to RT-qPCR. The kit is based on the recombinant heat labile dsDNase, which is irreversibly inactivated at low temperatures (5 minutes at 58ºC or 15 minutes at 55ºC). Reverse Transcription can be performed in the same tube, thereby minimizing pipetting steps and reducing hands-on time.

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Endonucleases DNA-specific


Double-Strand Specific dsDNase from ArcticZymes is ideal for removing contaminating DNA from PCR master mixes, preventing false positives in bacterial typing. Recombinantly produced in Pichia pastoris, it cleaves dsDNA with 5000-fold higher specificity than ssDNA. Easily inactivated by moderate heat (65°C), it allows for direct addition of DNA templates post-cleanup, ensuring accurate PCR results.

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AZtaq™ DNA Polymerase


AZtaq™ DNA Polymerase, derived from Thermus aquaticus, is a high-quality, thermostable enzyme ideal for PCR applications. It catalyzes the synthesis of complementary DNA using a primed template and has 5’-3’ exonuclease activity but lacks 3’-5’ proofreading. AZtaq is compatible with dUTP, allowing efficient carry-over contamination removal when used with Cod UNG.

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Endonucleases Non-Specific, HL-SAN


HL-SAN efficiently removes nucleic acids from buffers in protein purification, excelling in high-salt conditions to reduce aggregation. Ideal for removing nucleic acids from proteins with high DNA/RNA affinity, it performs well during lysis, early purification stages, and high-salt eluates. This cold-adapted enzyme works effectively at ambient temperatures and during overnight digestion at 4°C. Triton free available.

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Bioprocessing Salt Active Nucleases - Physiological Conditions


Nonspecific endonuclease is highly active at physiological conditions (125–200 mM) for DNA removal during protein production, vaccine manufacturing, and viral vector preparation. M-SAN High Quality can be used directly in cell media, which improves efficiency and yield. Designed to replace Benzonase without workflow changes. M-SAN HQ excels in ensuring higher purity and efficiency. High purity (≥ 99%). Compatible with ELISA ki…

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Endonucleases DNA-specific, HL-dsDNase


HL-dsDNase efficiently removes genomic DNA from RNA with minimal impact on RNA quality, reducing 50 ng of gDNA to undetectable levels by qPCR. Easily inactivated by 5-minute incubation at 58°C, it’s ideal for RNA prep, minimizing degradation. It's also effective for removing external DNA from samples before metagenomic sequencing and STR-profiling, for fast, efficient alternative to traditional methods. Triton free available.

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