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BioAccord LC-MS System


The First SmartMS-Enabled Biopharma Solution  The Waters BioAccord System is an integrated system that simplifies high performance LC-MS biopharmaceutical analysis for every user. An easy-to-use system solution that puts the power to make decisions directly in your hands; a self-calibrating, self-optimizing, self-sufficient tool that equips you with high quality data you can use to tackle the challenges you face every da…

|15 Reviews
  • Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year


Oxford Instruments WITec

ParticleScout can survey, classify, analyze, quantify and identify particles over even large sample areas. It enables measurements that proceed from a sample overview, to targeted investigations of particles in groups defined by the user, through a precise chemical characterization of individual particles. The results of the measurement are then presented in a report that provides a comprehensive description of the sample. Par…

|4 Reviews
  • Best New Spectroscopy Product of the Year