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Dual-Stage Ultra-High Purity Stainless Steel Gas Regulators

Restek Corp.

UHP stainless steel regulators are the standard for ultra-high-purity and corrosion-resistant pressure regulation. They are more easily purged of atmospheric components compared to brass gas regulators, making them ideal for the most demanding applications. Stainless steel is especially useful in atmospheres of dry corrosive gases such as hydrogen. All regulators are rated to 3,000 psig (20,684 kPa) maximum inlet pressure.…

|1 Review

SU-8 3000


SU-8 3000 is a high contrast, epoxy based photoresist designed for micromachining and other microelectronic applications, where a thick, chemically and thermally stable image is desired.

|1 Review

Raptor EtG/EtS LC Column

Restek Corp.

Restek chemists became the first to combine the speed of superficially porous particles (also known as SPP or "core-shell" particles) with the resolution of highly selective USLC technology. This new breed of chromatographic column allows you to more easily achieve peak separation and faster analysis times with existing HPLC and UHPLC instrumentation.  Stationary Phase Category: Proprietary Ligand Type: Proprietary Partic…

|2 Reviews

Disposable & Glass Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) Bottles

Environmental Express' disposable BOD bottles provide huge labor savings and improved quality in any environmental laboratory. Lightweight, unbreakable and recyclable, disposable bottles offer safety as well as convenience. The US EPA recommends the use of Environmental Express disposable BOD bottles be allowed for EPA approved Methods. Bottles are formed from PET resin, the most recycled plastic available. Simply use on…

|1 Review

GenElute™ Agarose Spin Columns


GenElute Agarose Spin Columns allow for the purification of linear DNA from agarose gels. The typical recovery is 40 to 45% for 100 bp to 10 kb DNA fragments. The recovery decreases as the fragment size increases.

|1 Review


Bio-Logic Science Instruments

VSP-300 is a state-of-the-art research grade potentiostat / galvanostat / FRA with remarkable specifications. It is the newest benchmark in the Bio-Logic product range. Designed upon Bio-Logic’s long history of flexible and modular potentiostat, the VSP-300 incorporates the latest technology to ensure excellent performance. The VSP-300 multichannel potentiostat / galvanostat is a versatile instrument offering 6 slots…

|2 Reviews


Sartorius Group

Flexible, fully automated, easy to use Infrared Moisture Analyzer MA160 for fast, reliable and traceable results

|2 Reviews

2-Aminobenzyl Alcohol

Sigma-Aldrich Supelco

2-Aminobenzyl alcohol is oxidatively cyclized with an array of ketones in dioxane at 80°C in the presence of a ruthenium catalyst and KOH to give corresponding quinolines. It undergoes oxidation catalyzed by heterotrimetallic RuMnMn species on the hydrotalcite surface in the presence of O2 to yield 2-aminobenzaldehyde

|3 Reviews