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Alien QRT-PCR Inhibitor Alert

Agilent Technologies

Alien Reference RNA QRT-PCR Detection Kit for Monitoring the Overall Performance of QRT-PCR Assays.  High-quality external control for detecting inhibitors in RNA samples  Highly sensitive to various inhibitors  No significant homology to any known sequences  Ideally suited for assay standardization applications

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8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ) is the world’s most successful and widely used tandem ICP mass spectrometer. Available in a range of configurations to cover applications from routine contract analysis to advanced research and high-purity materials analysis, the Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ redefines ICP-MS performance, delivering results you can trust.

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  • Best New Spectroscopy Product of the Year
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High-Resolution Microarray Scanner

Agilent Technologies

Agilents High-Resolution C Scanner provides the advanced capabilities your laboratory needs to perform high-density microarray analysis. Optimized through SureScan High Resolution Technology, the dynamic range is now 20X greater than other leading scanners. Seamless data processing and the industrys first dynamic autofocus helps deliver the clarity and quality your research requires. Superior resolution, (10 microns down to 2…

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Agilent CrossLab GC Supplies

Agilent Technologies

Agilent CrossLab is a growing portfolio of GC supplies manufactured to perform seamlessly with the non-Agilent GCs in your lab. From autosampler syringes to autosampler vials, Ultra Inert inlet liners to non-stick liner O-rings, capillary column ferrules to column nuts, vials, caps, septa, and more. Experience the same Agilent quality solutions you know and trust, now for your non-Agilent GCs: PerkinElmer GC Systems…

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Agilent BioTek 405 LS Washer

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent BioTek 405 LS washer has a well-earned reputation as an economical plate washer that offers excellent performance and reliability. The 405 LS handles wash protocols that range from gentle cell washing to vigorous ELISA workflows. The 405 LS has a simple user interface for the creation and execution of wash, dispense, aspirate, and maintenance protocols within the extensive onboard software.

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5500 Series Compact FTIR

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent 5500 compact FTIR spectrometer is designed as an at-side FTIR analyzer to provide you with great results, rapidly and reliably, day after day. The combination of great performing optics, innovative sampling interfaces, and intuitive software provides information on liquid and solid samples faster and easier than ever before.

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Quik Change Site-Directed Mutagenesis

Agilent Technologies

The original QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kits eliminate the need for subcloning into M13-based bacteriophage vectors and for ss-DNA rescue. This makes site-directed mutagenesis studies simple and reliable since it allows oligo-mediated introduction of site-specific mutations into virtually any double-stranded plasmid DNA. 

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Agilent J&W DB-5ms and HP-5ms Ultra Inert

Agilent Technologies

Agilent ® J&W™ DB-5ms and HP-5ms Ultra Inert deliver industry-leading analytical performance in a range of chromatographic applications. Very low bleed characteristics and excellent signal-to-noise ratio and peak shapes, enables high levels of performance in analyzing challenging active analytes. DB-5ms  and HP-5ms Ultra Inert are also individually tested with a demanding Ultra Inert test probe mixture, to deliver consistent…

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ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 (USP L1)

Agilent Technologies

Eclipse Plus columns provide the ultimate in performance for silica-based columns. Peak shape for the Eclipse Plus is excellent for the most challenging basic compounds, improving efficiency and resolution with these sample types. These results are achieved by improvements in the silica manufacturing and bonding technology, which is completely controlled by Agilent. 

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QuEChERS Extraction Kits

Agilent Technologies

Unlike other suppliers of QuEChERS extraction kits, Agilent QuEChERs salts and buffers are pre-packaged in anhydrous packages. This allows you to add them after adding your solvent to the sample, as specified in the QuEChERS methodologies. Extraction Kits include: 50 quantity of 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tubes with caps MgSO4 and NaCl, or other salts for buffering; pre-weighed in anhydrous packet

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RNA Analysis ScreenTape

Agilent Technologies

RNA ScreenTape analysis provides efficient and reliable electrophoretic separation of total RNA down to 5 ng/µl. Compatible with eukaryotic and prokaryotic samples, the assay provides accurate information about sample integrity and quantity. 

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DNA Analysis ScreenTape

Agilent Technologies

DNA ScreenTape analysis provides a fast, automated, and flexible DNA electrophoresis solution for sample quality control, e.g in next-generation sequencing workflows. The DNA ScreenTape assays can separate DNA fragments and libraries up to 5000 base pairs in 1-2 minutes/sample.

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Agilent 7900 ICP-MS

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent 7900 ICP-MS is a flexible single quadrupole ICP mass spectrometer that provides the industry’s best matrix tolerance, most effective helium collision mode, lowest detection limits, and widest dynamic range. As a result, you can be confident you are reporting accurate data every time, even at trace levels, whatever your sample types.

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