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Lamps for HPLC

Agilent Technologies

The new InfinityLab lamps contain RFID technology for more convenience and ease of use. Agilent lamps are manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified environment and are fully traceable throughout every step of the production process. Each lamp is tested to ensure it meets Agilent performance specifications.

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Captiva Filter Vials

Agilent Technologies

Captiva filter vials provide a convenient way to filter samples prior to LC or GC analysis. Filter vials are fast, economical, and environmentally conscience way to filter samples compared to the alternative, a combination of syringe filters, syringes, autosampler vials, septa, and caps when you only need to filter only enough for analysis.

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5977C GC/MSD

Agilent Technologies

The NEW Agilent 5977C GC/MSD is a routine and reliable workhorse for environmental impurities and food testing, chemical and petrochemical analysis, as well as the analysis of forensic and pharmaceutical compounds. With over 50 years of leadership in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, the 5977C single quadrupole GC/MS is built on the legacy of a series of trusted GC/MS instruments.

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7010C Triple Quadrupole GC/MS

Agilent Technologies

The new Agilent 7010C triple quadrupole GC/MS is the most sensitive instrument of the Agilent GC/TQ portfolio. For applications that demand the most sensitivity, like the analysis of dioxins and furans, the 7010C GC/TQ equipped with the high-efficiency ion source (HES) is the best fit with low limits of detection down to the attogram level. New advanced GC/TQ intelligence includes SWARM autotune that finishes twice as fast as…

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Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer

Agilent Technologies

Measure mitochondrial respiration, glycolysis, and ATP production rates in live cells in a 96-well forma t, providing a system-level view of cellular energy metabolism and mitochondrial health. It combines enhanced sensitivity and data consistency with intuitive software and advanced data analytics, enabling users to streamline assay workflow from start to finish and generate and interpret metabolic data easily. 

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  • Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year
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6495D triple quadrupole LC/MS (LC/TQ)

Agilent Technologies

If you are under pressure to deliver meaningful results, the Agilent 6495D LC/TQ provides sensitivity without compromising robustness.  Built-in instrument intelligence of the 6495D LC/TQ enhances throughput, and integrates comprehensive workflows to get your lab up and running fast, allowing even novice users to generate expert results. 

|14 Reviews
  • Best New Analytical Science Product of the Year
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Cary 3500 Flexible UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Agilent Technologies

The Cary 3500 Flexible UV-Vis is a double beam spectrophotometer with superior photometric performance—for challenging measurements with minimal sample preparation—that can be deployed in regulated environments. The system offers a unique large sample compartment with small footprint for analyzing liquid samples that require long pathlength cuvettes, as well as characterizing solid samples. A xenon flash lamp—complete with 10-…

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  • Sustainable Product of the Year
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Bioanalyzer RNA Kits & Reagents

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent RNA kits with the patented RNA Integrity Number (RIN) are the industry standard for RNA quality assessment. Do fast, easy and precise integrity checks and sample quantitation before any RNA dependent application.Maximum flexibility check the quality of your total RNA, mRNA, or cRNA samples Minimal sample consumption use as little as 5 ng of total RNA or 50 pg of total RNA for analysis, saving most of your valuable…

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Agilent 240Z AA and 280Z AA Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrometers

Agilent Technologies

Based on the sensitive AC-modulated Zeeman technique, proven to give the best detection limits of any Zeeman spectrometer, the 240Z AA and 280Z AA offer the highest sensitivity, performance, simplicity of operation and industry-leading software in atomic spectroscopy. The instruments are supplied with the GTA 120 Zeeman graphite tube atomizer for superior graphite furnace performance and are controlled by our acclaimed Window…

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DB-1ms GC Columns

Agilent Technologies

Agilent J&W DB-1ms is a nonpolar, low bleed column, with excellent inertness for acids and bases and an extended upper temperature limit. Using low bleed stationary phases in DB-1ms reduces column contribution to background noise, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio and better sensitivity. 

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ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 (USP L1)

Agilent Technologies

Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB columns – C18, C8, Phenyl and CN – provide four bonded phase choices for method development optimization. These columns provide good peak shape over a wide pH range (2–9) for additional method development flexibility with one family of columns. Eclipse XDB columns can be used for method development at low pH (2–3) and the same column can be used for method development in the mid pH (6–8) region.

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3100 OFFGEL Fractionator

Agilent Technologies

Protein fractionation, in-solution recovery      Prefractionation of proteins and peptides prior to LC/MS analysis can dramatically increase the number of proteins ultimately identified. The Agilent 3100 OFFGEL Fractionator uses a novel isoelectric focusing technique to achieve excellent pI-based fractionation. The resulting fractions are in solution, making recovery for LC/MS analysis much easier than with old-fashioned gels.…

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High Sensitivity ß-Galactosidase Assay Kits

Agilent Technologies

The High Sensitivity ß-Galactosidase Assay Kit provides an easy, rapid, and sensitive method for determining the ß-galactosidase activity in the lysates of cells transfected with a ß-galactosidase expression construct. Rapid, simple and sensitive >= 10-fold increase in sensitivity over ONPG-based kits Reduces amount of cell extract needed for assay Useful for cells that are difficult to transfect and have low ß-gal expression…

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GC/MS Semi-volatiles Analyzer

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent GC/MS Semi-volatiles Analyzer makes use of the latest GC/MS technologies to improve laboratory productivity and produce consistent, high-quality data from day one. Agilent Capillary Flow Technology provides backflushing of high-boiling components to improve analysis time and reduce maintenance. A Multimode Inlet offers lower detection limits than a standard split/splitless inlet. Deconvolution Reporting Software wo…

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Poroshell 120

Agilent Technologies

Poroshell 120 columns provide rugged, high resolution separations within the pressure range of any mainstream LC system, making the benefits of sub-2 µm performance available with all existing LCs.Poroshell columns can achieve high resolution and high speed separations on current instruments, and higher resolution and speeds on new high-pressure LC and LC/MS systems. Stable to 600 bar, Poroshell 120 are great for fast UHPLC an…

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Bioanalyzer Cell Fluorescence Kit

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent Cell Fluorescence kits are ideally suited for easy, fast, and automated two-color flow cytometry analyses. Easy to use - short setup time with no adjustment of complex instrument parameters Flexibility - Analysis of a wide range of cell fluorescence parameters Predefined assays - easy startup or protocol development for extra flexibility Low cell consumption (20,000 down to 2,500) - enables flow cytometry analysis…

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