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Nanoject III Programmable Nanoliter Injector

Drummond Scientific Co.

The new Drummond Programmable Nanoject III Nanoliter Injector offers a number of state-of-the-art features to provide easy setup and operation as well as more accurate injection volumes down to 0.6 nanoliters. The Nanoject III does not require any O-rings to secure the micropipet. Operational Modes enable the user to program the unit to do single manual injections, as well as multiple injection cycle recipes. Program input…

|1 Review

Eppendorf BioFlo® 120


The Eppendorf BioFlo 120 offers simplicity and ease of use, without sacrificing capability. In academic, governmental or industrial research settings; for work with bacteria, yeast, fungi, mammalian, insect or plant cells: The BioFlo 120 is an attractive solution to meet bioprocessing needs. The BioFlo 120 is a bench-scale bioreactor/fermentor system that perfectly suits research and development. Its flexible design meets t…

|2 Reviews
  • Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year

Litesizerâ„¢ Series: Particle Characterization

Anton Paar

The Litesizer series is the perfect choice to characterize nano- and microparticles at the touch of a button. Particles in dispersion as well as peptides or macromolecules in solution can be determined over a broad concentration range, limiting the time for sample preparation. Litesizer 500 includes three measurement angles for particle size determination as well as patented cmPALS technology, which enables zeta potential meas…

|3 Reviews

UNIFI Scientific Information System


Waters UNIFI Scientific Information System is the first software platform to merge LC and high performance MS data (both quadrupole and time-of-flight) into a single solution that encompasses data acquisition, processing, visualization, reporting, and configurable compliance tools within a networked laboratory environment.

|4 Reviews