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StrataClone Blunt PCR Cloning Kit

Agilent Technologies

The StrataClone PCR Cloning Kit allows high-efficiency, 5-minute cloning of PCR products at room temperature, using the efficient DNA rejoining activity of DNA topoisomerase I and the DNA recombination activity of Cre recombinase. These kits are available for both blunt-end and UA cloning. 

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Mycoplasma Plus PCR Primer Set, 50 rxn

Agilent Technologies

Our Mycoplasma Plus PCR Primer Set detects infection by all forms of Mycoplasma with a robust single-band PCR product (triplet for Acholeplasma). This kit also includes controls to verify PCR amplification and Mycoplasma genomic DNA. The primer design permits higher annealing temperatures, reducing spurious bands from PCR contaminants.

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PCR Polishing Kit

Agilent Technologies

PCR Polishing Kit enables an increase in blunt-ended cloning efficiencies associated with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-generated fragments. It polishes the ends of the 3’ overhang extensions of polymerase-generated DNA fragments directly from PCR amplification and can completely fill in 5’ overhangs to generate blunt ends.

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Quik Change Site-Directed Mutagenesis

Agilent Technologies

The original QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kits eliminate the need for subcloning into M13-based bacteriophage vectors and for ss-DNA rescue. This makes site-directed mutagenesis studies simple and reliable since it allows oligo-mediated introduction of site-specific mutations into virtually any double-stranded plasmid DNA. 

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RNA Analysis ScreenTape

Agilent Technologies

RNA ScreenTape analysis provides efficient and reliable electrophoretic separation of total RNA down to 5 ng/µl. Compatible with eukaryotic and prokaryotic samples, the assay provides accurate information about sample integrity and quantity. 

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DNA Analysis ScreenTape

Agilent Technologies

DNA ScreenTape analysis provides a fast, automated, and flexible DNA electrophoresis solution for sample quality control, e.g in next-generation sequencing workflows. The DNA ScreenTape assays can separate DNA fragments and libraries up to 5000 base pairs in 1-2 minutes/sample.

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High Sensitivity ß-Galactosidase Assay Kits

Agilent Technologies

The High Sensitivity ß-Galactosidase Assay Kit provides an easy, rapid, and sensitive method for determining the ß-galactosidase activity in the lysates of cells transfected with a ß-galactosidase expression construct. Rapid, simple and sensitive >= 10-fold increase in sensitivity over ONPG-based kits Reduces amount of cell extract needed for assay Useful for cells that are difficult to transfect and have low ß-gal expression…

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Bioanalyzer Cell Fluorescence Kit

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent Cell Fluorescence kits are ideally suited for easy, fast, and automated two-color flow cytometry analyses. Easy to use - short setup time with no adjustment of complex instrument parameters Flexibility - Analysis of a wide range of cell fluorescence parameters Predefined assays - easy startup or protocol development for extra flexibility Low cell consumption (20,000 down to 2,500) - enables flow cytometry analysis…

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Twist Human Core Exome Kit

Twist Bioscience

Twist Bioscience, the leader in synthetic DNA with unparalleled precision at scale, is redefining targeted sequencing performance with the Twist Human Core Exome Kit. This kit includes library preparation and enrichment components, allowing the flexibility to lower sequencing costs, increase sample throughput, and achieve a higher depth of coverage across target regions with uncompromising quality.

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DIG-High Prime DNA Labeling and Detection Starter Kit I

DIG-High Prime labeled probes can be used in Southern-, northern- and dot-blot analysis, as well as colony and plaque hybridizations. This kit offers random-primed labeling of DNA templates with DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-labile, and color detection of the DIG-labeled hybrids. This kit was assembled with convenience in mind, offering a ready-made blocking solution, combined stock solution of NBT/ BCIP, and DIG Easy Hyb granules. The…

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Thermo Scientific Extensor Long Range PCR Polymerase Blend-Kits and Master Mixes

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Extensor Long Range Enzyme Blend is an optimized mix of ThermoPrime* DNA Polymerase and a proprietary thermostable proofreading enzyme. The two enzymes act synergistically to generate long PCR products, up to 20kb. This makes the enzyme blend ideal for robust full-length amplification of long range sequences. ■ Amplifies targets up to 20kb in length ■ Unique enzyme blend and optimized buffer combination delivers increased accu…

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TransIT-X2™ Dynamic Delivery System

Mirus Bio LLC

An innovative, polymeric system for efficient delivery of plasmid DNA and siRNA/miRNA. Experience the transfection breakthrough. Achieve superior transfections with an innovative polymeric system that efficiently delivers both DNA and RNA out of the endosome and into the cytoplasm overcoming a critical barrier to nucleic acid delivery.Head-to-head comparisons against the Lipofectamine® 2000 illustrate superior or equal lucife…

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VeriSeq PGS


A fully validated next-generation sequencing solution for PGS, providing accurate results in aneuploidy screening and extending future opportunities.

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Genie II


Genie II is a compact, lightweight and robust instrument suitable for use in the field or laboratory.

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