Determination of PAH Compounds from Aqueous Samples Using a Non-Halogenated Extraction Solvent and Atlantic C18 Disks
Determination of PAH Compounds from Aqueous Samples Using a Non-Halogenated Extraction Solvent and Atlantic C18 Disks
Determination of PAH Compounds from Aqueous Samples Using a Non-Halogenated Extraction Solvent and Atlantic C18 Disks
High Salt Gradient Analysis of Post-Translational Modifications - Deamidation Monitoring
Chromatrap®: a Fast, Reliable High Throughput ChIP-Seq Assay for Genome-Wide Protein-DNA Analysis
Rapid qPCR Analysis from Highly Inhibited Tissue and Blood Sample Extractions
Mixing High Viscosity Solutions with the Vitl Co-Mix Laboratory Mixer
UHPLC Analysis of 2-Aminobenzamide-Labeled Glycans with the Vanquish Flex System
Validation of the IonWorks Barracuda System for hERG Ion Channel Assay
A Novel 6x5 Peptide Mixture for LC-MS/MS Performance Monitoring
High Throughput Genomic and Proteomic Sample Preparation Using Corning® FiltrEX™ 96 and 384 Well Filter Plates
Optimizing Transfer of Non-Aqueous Liquids with Eppendorf Pipettes
Exploring the Sensitivity Differences for Targeted Peptide Quantification in the Low Flow Rate Regime
A Flexible Workflow for Automated Bioluminescent Kinase Selectivity Profiling
Measuring Volume Changes as a Result of Environment
An In Vitro Screening Tool for Predicting Clinical CYP3A4 Induction
Ethanol Solutions for MVS® Volume Verifications
Advancements in Atmospheric-Vacuum Interfaces of Mass Spectrometers with Increased Gas Throughput and Enhanced Sensitivity
Reproducibility of SWATH™ MS Analysis and Implications for System Biology Studies
A Guide to the Applications of Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Gas Chromatography
High Speed Separation of Components in Disulfiram Utilizing Using Extremely High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (X-LC ®)
Transfer of the HPLC Method for Related Substances Analysis of Metoclopramide HCl from an Agilent 1260 Infinity LC System to an ACQUITY Arc System
Rapid Selection and Development of GPCR Expressing Mammalian Cell lines using Novel ClonePix Technology