Making science out of art: Digitization and context in full-field morphological hematologyAvailable on-demand
Empowering motor neuron disease research and drug discovery with a new class of functional, reproducible hiPSC-derived motor neuronsAvailable on-demand
Accelerate assay development and reduce cycle times for AAV quantification in complex biological samplesAvailable on-demand
Examining T-cell dynamics in the human brain and its borders using cell sorting, genomics and inter-cell communication mapping toolsAvailable on-demand
Enhancing Efficiency in Laboratory Medicine - A Focus on Quality Control ProceduresAvailable on-demand
Simplifying Laboratory Hematology: Implementing Data-Driven Solutions to Increase Quality and EfficiencyAvailable on-demand
Hands-free microbiology: Empower your laboratory with automation and artificial intelligence solutionsAvailable on-demand
Fighting antimicrobial resistance in sexually transmitted infections with targeted diagnosticsAvailable on-demand