Life Sciences Products & Reviews

Life sciences encompass a diverse range of scientific disciplines focused on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. From basic life sciences (such as cell biology, genetics, immunology, and microbiology) to applied life sciences (such as disease research, multi-omics, and biotechnology), this broad field explores the fundamental processes of life and drives advancements in disease research, patient care, and our overall understanding of living organisms. Discover the endless possibilities of life sciences and their impact on shaping a healthier and more sustainable world.

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Yokogawa Corp. of America




Yokogawa Corp. of America

Easy to use software for automated primary image analysis, phenotyping, live cell tracking and cellular assays. Intuitive and powerful high content analysis software for primary image analysis and graphing for lead optimization and phenotyping with deep learning tools. Provides users with advanced insights to complex analysis questions.

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Single Cellome™ System SS2000

Yokogawa Corp. of America

The Single Cellome™ System SS2000 is a dual microlens spinning disk confocal system for live-cell high-content imaging which can sample adherent single cells. Combining imaging with sampling ensures the preservation of spatial, morphological, and temporal information of samples for flexible downstream mass spectrometry and sequencing applications.

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CellVoyager CQ3000

Yokogawa Corp. of America

High-content live cell microscope with dual camera, dual microlens spinning disk confocal. Water immersion lenses for superior image quality and uniformizer for consistent illumination and widefield capability. A total imaging solution suitable for any sample, from fixed to live and from 2D cultures to 3D organoids; scalable for any applications, from basic research to large-scale screening.

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CellVoyager CQ1

Yokogawa Corp. of America

Benchtop live cell high-content imager with microlens enhanced dual-spinning disk confocal. Intuitive and easy to use for 2D and 3D fixed or live cell imaging models. Flexible open platform for integration with laboratory automation robots. Small footprint that offers high-speed scanning, reduced phototoxicity, prolonged cell viability, superior image quality and sophisticated image analysis.

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CellVoyager CV8000

Yokogawa Corp. of America

Flagship high-content live cell screening system equipped with dual microlens spinning disk confocal and up to 4 cameras maximizes throughput without sacrificing image quality. Kinetic liquid handling and built-in incubator enables studies of fast events in living cells. Flexible imaging modalities, acquisition configuration and analysis routines let you image in all dimensions.

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