Particle Characterization Products & Reviews


Particle characterization instruments are used to determine particle size distribution, shape, surface area, zeta potential, density and porosity of particles and materials. Multiple tecchniques are available for determining particle size, shape and count including dynamic light scattering (DLS), laser diffraction, electrozone (Coulter technique), imaging particle analysis and single particle optical sensing. Determine the density of your material with a gas pycnometer or examine its surface area and porosity with gas adsorption analyzers and mercury porosimeters. Find the best particle characterization instruments in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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Waters | Wyatt Technology

The DAWN is the premier Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (MALS) detector for absolute characterization of the molar mass and size of macromolecules and nanoparticles in solution, offering the highest sensitivity and widest range of molecular weight, size, concentration and optional features.

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Waters | Wyatt Technology

The miniDAWN™ Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (MALS) detector performs absolute characterization of the molar mass and size of macromolecules and nanoparticles in solution, offering superb sensitivity over a wide range of molecular weight, size and concentration.

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LA-960 Laser Particle Size Analyzer

HORIBA Scientific

The most high-end class accurate and reliable laser diffraction particle sizing instrument HORIBA Partica LA-950V2 has been upgraded to the LA-960. HORIBA particle sizing instrument recognized as its strong point of submicron range measurement capability and the new model includes these advantages with some new features. HORIBA’s experience in the use of data algorithms has evolved to meet the expectations of the customer dem…

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Partica mini LA-350– Compact Routine Laser Diffraction Analyzer

HORIBA Scientific

The ultra-small size of the Partica mini LA-350 and its wide measuring range (0.1-1000 ìm) makes it particularly attractive for many quality control applications. Applications include minerals powders, ceramics slurries and raw materials, polymer suspensions, chemicals, metals powders, and food emulsions. The LA-350 concentrates HORIBA's know-how in designing high-quality, robust and high-performance particle size analyzers.

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Bettersizer ST

Bettersize Instruments Ltd

The Bettersizer ST is an automated laser diffraction particle size analyzer designed for industrial quality control. Its patented DLOS (Dual Lens Optical System) guarantees the instrument to provide consistent and reliable particle size distribution results. The SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and automated analysis procedures are designed to help you save valuable time for quality inspection. Skip complex operations with B…

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Prometheus Panta for biologics stability profiling with particle sizing and molecular weight determination by NanoTemper Technologies

NanoTemper Technologies

Prometheus Panta monitors the thermal stability, turbidity, and dispersity of a protein sample, and provides the highest-resolution, highest-quality data for ranking and selecting candidates. Prometheus Panta outputs critical quality parameters about your therapeutic proteins of interest, including: their hydrodynamic radius, molecular weight, self-association propensity, and deltaG of unfolding.

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  • Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year
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FlowCam 5000

Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc

Experience rapid high-resolution imaging, data acquisition, and analysis of microparticles. FlowCam® 5000 flow imaging instrument is an economical, high-value solution for monitoring particles in the 3 μm to 300 μm size range for research, educational, and industrial applications.

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