AGENCOURT<sup>®</sup> FormaPure<sup>®</sup> Kit Supplemental Protocol
For Micro-RNA and Total RNA Isolation from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
For Micro-RNA and Total RNA Isolation from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
Genome Editing Made Easy: Improve Your Genomic Cleavage Detection (GCD) Assay
The Four Pillars of Achieving Accurate and Precise Cell Counts
Enhanced Detection of Host-Cell Proteins in Biotherapeutic Preparations using Preparative Electrophoresis Followed by LC–Ion Mobility–MS
Membrane Protein Arrays: Application for GPCR Screening
Exosome-Depleted Fetal Bovine Serum Using Beckman Coulter Centrifugation
For Micro-RNA and Total RNA Isolation from Cultured Cells
3D Cell Culture: A Review of Current Techniques
Dissection of Complex Interaction Mechanisms by Distinct Thermophoresis Signals – ssDNA Binding to EcoSSB
Differential Gene Expression Analysis and Interpretation
Genome Editing Made Easy: Successful CRISPR Guide RNA Synthesis
No-lyse, No-wash Protocol for 6-color Immunophenotyping Analysis of Stained Human Whole Blood without Compensation using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer
Copy Number Variation Analysis Using the QuantStudio® 3D Digital PCR System
Multiplex Assays of Fifteen Human Complement Factors
Overcoming the Cost and Performance Limitations of ELISA with xMAP® Technology
Reproducible and Efficient Automation of PCR Reaction Setup and Purification Using the Biomek 4000 Workstation and AMPure XP
Genome Editing Made Easy: Designing A Knock-In Experiment
A Complete Next-Generation Sequencing Workflow for Circulating Cell-Free DNA Isolation and Analysis
Nanoparticle Mapping in Tissues by LA-ICP-MS
MicroRNA Extraction from Laser Capture MicroDissected (LCM) FFPE Tissue Using Beckman Coulter's Agencourt FormaPure Kits