Substrates and Assay Reagents
Sino BiologicalSino Biological offers high quality and cost-effective bioreagents such as assay reagents, peptide substrates, oligo substrates, lipid substrates, and more.
Sino Biological offers high quality and cost-effective bioreagents such as assay reagents, peptide substrates, oligo substrates, lipid substrates, and more.
Finntips are manufactured using high quality raw materials and the latest molding techniques and are designed using our knowledge of liquid handling. Our modern automated production facilities, and our expertise, enable us to produce uniformly smooth, hydrophobic surfaces on the inside and outside of our tips, to prevent liquid retention and thus ensure accurate and precise pipetting. Product detail: Finntip 250 Universal…
Luminoskan Ascent Microplate Luminometer - Ideal for luminometric research applications The Luminoskan Ascent is a dedicated microplate luminometer, ideal for glow and flash luminometric assays. Application areas of the Luminoskan Ascent Reporter gene assays ATP assays Cytotoxicity Immunoassays DNA quantitation Cell proliferation Phagocytosis Intracellular Ca2+ Enzyme assays Microbiological assays Reactive oxygen assays Advant…
Spark OE spectrometer using CID (Charge Injection Device) for metals reasearch and inspection of incoming materials.Using the latest solid-state detector technology, the OneSpark is the only instrument capable of meeting the increasing metals analysis challenges of R&D, incoming inspection, and independent testing laboratories. The ability for a manufacturer to qualify a vast variety of incoming material, and an R&D or testing…
A whole new concept… Unique to Brookhaven!For the difficult cases: For measurements of very low mobilities, the Brookhaven ZetaPALS is the answer, The only answer! With concepts developed at Bristol University and Brookhaven Instruments, the ZetaPALS determines zeta potential using Phase Analysis Light Scattering: A technique that is up to 1,000 times more sensitive than traditional light scattering methods based on the shifte…
High performance compact “workhorse” UV/Vis Spectrophotometer for the analytical laboratory. Ideal in a multiuser, multi-application laboratory and for users who require IQ/OQ validation Features Long life Xenon source On-board software for standard and life science applications plus method storage Built in self test diagnostics for GLP instrument performance validation 8 position sample changer as standard Optiona…
A compact benchtop process mass spectrometer for general purpose locations. With a choice of 8 or 16 sample inlet ports, the ProLine can be configured for any application. Interchangeable quadrupole head and electronics with automatic tuning eliminate the need for specialist service technicians.
The UV3000 detector delivers multi-dimensional spectral datra for applications raging from trace analysis to prep, as well as SFC to CE.
Spellman offers the industry's most extensive line of standard and configurable high voltage power supplies, at power levels from 120 milliwatts to 150 kilowatts, and voltages up to 500 kilovolts.
KIMTECH SCIENCE* KIMWIPES® Wipers are a versatile option for delicate tasks such as laboratory cleaning, surface/parts cleaning, instrument cleaning and lens cleaning. KIMTECH SCIENCE* Precision Wipes are a value-conscious alternative that offers reliable wiping performance. Available in 1-, 2-, or 3-ply.
The CHEM-CLAMP is designed to be a dedicated instrument for Voltammetric and Amperometric Recording.
The PIKE MIRacle™ is a universal ATR sampling accessory for analysis of solids, liquids, pastes, gels, and intractable materials.
Full Walk-Away Automation • Infeed Lidded Plate • Interchangeable Pipettors • Reformat Plates 24-96-384-1536 • Ultrasonic Tip Washing • Six Workstations Process up to 100 Microplates Automatically through Complex Protocols • 100 Plate Walk-Away Automation • Filtration Plate Automation • Magnetic Bead Automation • Heat & Cool Plate Nests • Shaking Plate Nests • Windows® Programming A Different Design for each Specific Applicati…
MULTI-PARAMETER INSTRUMENT - single or dual input. Choose from any combination of pH/ORP/ISL, Resistivity/Conductivity, % Concentration, Chlorine (Total, Free, Monochloramine, pH independent Free Chlorine), Oxygen, Ozone, Temperature, Turbidity, Flow, and 4-20mA Current Input. HART and PROFIBUS DP – digital communications LARGE DISPLAY – large easy-to-read process measurements. EASY TO INSTALL – modular boards; removable conne…
High Performance Reversed-Phase Columns for the Separation of Small Molecules. The Acclaim® 120 columns are designed for high resolution reversed-phase separations. The very high surface coverage and very low metal content together result in columns with excellent efficiencies. These columns provide exceptional performance for a variety of applications in the pharmaceutical, chemical, environmental, and food separations areas.…
The Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization.…
Ultrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of…
MAbPac™ SEC– 1 for Monoclonal Antibody (MAb) Analysis MAbPac™ SEC-1 is a size exclusion chromatography (SEC) column designed for monoclonal antibody (MAb) analysis, including monomers, aggregates, and fragments, under non-denaturing conditions, and in both high- and low-salt mobile phases and volatile eluents.SEC is frequently used because of its simple operating principle and features not found in other sep…
J.G. Finneran's 96-Well Pattern PTFE Sealing FilmJ.G. Finneran offers an advanced line of sealing films for 96-well microplates. These unique and innovative sealing films were designed to address the needs of the bio-analytical environment. The patented 96-Well Pattern Blue PTFE Sealing Film is adhesive-free around the 96 wells preventing the tacky/sticky adhesive from adhering to plastic pipette tips or metal probles. The…