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SelexION differential mobility spectrometry


SelexION differential mobility spectrometry is an effective ion mobility spectrometry tool for improving data quality in the quantitation and characterization of challenging samples requiring advanced analytical selectivity. SelexION on the SCIEX 5500+ series and 6500+ series delivers a new dimension of selectivity and performance for applications requiring the separation of isobaric species, elimination of challenging co-elut…

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MicOS Microscope Optical Spectrometer

HORIBA Scientific

MicOS is a fully integrated and flexible microscope spectrometer that combines a microscope head with a high-performance, triple grating, imaging spectrometer that can accommodate up to 3 different detectors. MicOS  is the ideal system for semiconductor microstructure characterization, micro LEDs, micro and macro photoluminescence, photoluminescence mapping of semiconductor wafers.

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PSD/3 Syringe Pumps

Hamilton Company

PSD/3 syringe pumps are driven with a DC servo motor. The syringe pumps have self contained driver components. The pumps excel in applications requiring a linear laminar flow, as well as superb accuracy and precision.

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asm Manager

Hamilton Company

Hamilton Storage Technologies offers a superior software package that meets user needs for full system control, sample tracking, and simple integration to third-party platforms. The software distributes intelligence throughout the system's modules, maintaining data integrity, optimizing throughput, and managing growth of the sample library. Developer level access ensures that your present and future requirements will be accomm…

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LenS3 MALS and MALS-V Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector Series

Tosoh Bioscience

The LenS3 MALS detector offers a revolutionary approach for the measurement of molecular weight (MW) and radius of gyration (Rg) of synthetic polymers, polysaccharides, proteins, and biopolymers. A novel optical design, a unique cell-block assembly, and a new calculation methodology make the LenS3 MALS detector the first groundbreaking innovation in the light scattering technology arena in decades!

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Torch Combustion TOC Analyzer

Teledyne Labs

Tekmar’s  TOC Combustion analyzer, the Torch, utilizes a patent pending Static Pressure Concentration (SPC) for the analysis of TOC/TN using high-temperature combustion. The Torch Analyzer contains a built-in autosampler with three vial rack choices and PC driven control. This features automated calibration and Intellidilution which automatically dilutes over-range samples to within the working calibration range. Maintenan…

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Variable Temperature Cell Holder

Specac Ltd

The Variable Temperature Cell Holder is the ideal accessory to use for the transmission study of liquid or solid samples over a broad range of temperatures. The cell consists of a vacuum jacket that contains a refrigerant dewar/cell holder assembly and a heating block that contains the appropriate cell, and allows variable temperature over the range from -190°C to 250°C. NaCl windows are provided as standard on the cell hol…

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Reaction Cell Golden Gate™ ATR Accessory

Specac Ltd

Monitor in-situ reactions at high pressures of 3000 psi and temperatures up to 200 °C with the Reaction Cell Golden Gate™ ATR Accessory. This product is especially well-suited for the spectroscopic analysis of caustic or acidic reactions, slurries and abrasive particulates.

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Apollo Multi-Functional Precision Balance with Impact Shock Detection GX-A/GF-A Series - 320g by 0.001g

A&D Weighing

Multi functional range of precision top pan balances with unique features and rugged, robust design. Wide range of capacities from 110g to 10kg;wide range of resolutions from 0.001g to 0.1g; Patented Impact Shock Detection (ISD) for preventing damage due to sudden  shock; Patented Electronically Controlled Load (ECL) for Automatic Precision Assessment (APA) and minimum weight determination; Multi user and multi level password…

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