Imaging Systems Products & Reviews


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HoloMonitor M4FL Live Cell Analysis System

Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI)

The HoloMonitor ® live cell imaging system enables long-term non-invasive analysis of cell cultures within your standard incubator. With the latest add-on fluorescence module, cell biologists benefit from minimizing light exposure and reducing photocytotoxicity when automatically obtaining accurate live-cell morphology, migration, proliferation data, and multi-well time-lapse videos down to a single-cell level in real-time.

|1 Review
  • Best New Analytical Science Product of the Year
  • Best New Life Sciences Product of the Year
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FlowCam 5000

Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc

Experience rapid high-resolution imaging, data acquisition, and analysis of microparticles. FlowCam® 5000 flow imaging instrument is an economical, high-value solution for monitoring particles in the 3 μm to 300 μm size range for research, educational, and industrial applications.

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iCys® Research Imaging Cytometer

CompuCyte Corp.

The iCys® Research Imaging Cytometer combines the technological advances of the existing LSC and iCyte instruments, providing the ability to visualize the specimen through microscope optics or with a digital camera. The combination of analytic software advances with microscope features provides the iCys with a unique mode of analysis. Once scanning and analysis are completed, the microscope stage may be automatically moved to…

|1 Review

VL21 Live Cell Imaging


The Phasefocus Virtual Lens® provides non-toxic phenotypic screening for live cells, enabling long-term time-lapse assays without the need for fluorescent labels.  This is an important consideration for the screening of sensitive primary cells, and stem cells.

|3 Reviews

EzScope 101

Blue-Ray Biotech

EzScope 101 is a dedicated live cell imaging system that helps to streamline your research workflow with improved efficiency and productivity, which avoids the need to remove cells from an incubator for observation. EzScope 101 brings 24/7 measurements under precisely controlled conditions in a non-perturbing environment. You can observe the images anytime with walk-away convenience. Up to four samples can be monitored simulta…

|3 Reviews

CytoSMART Lux2

The CytoSMART Lux2 is a compact inverted microscope for bright-field time-lapse imaging. It works from inside any standard CO2-incubator and can be used in routine cell culture processes. The CytoSMART Lux2 provides a small and easy solution for time-lapse imaging. Monitor cell proliferation, motility and morphology for hours up to weeks at a time.

|20 Reviews



X-tra: Next-generation holotomography for high-performance imaging at scale  

|6 Reviews
  • Best New Life Sciences Product of the Year


Intelligent Imaging Innovations (3i)

The Marianas™ research microscopy imaging system combines state-of-the-art optics, custom electronics, detectors, and computers for both live and fixed cell applications. 3i’s SlideBook™ software takes full advantage of the system's automation by seamlessly integrating components, including x-,y- and z-stage motion, filter control and light shuttering. Methods: • 7D imaging • FRET • TIRF • FLIM • Ratiometric imaging • Photoman…

|1 Review

ZEISS Cell Observer SD

ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions

Fast and Sensitive Confocal Imaging With Cell Observer SD, you have it all: The image quality of Axio Observer and Axio Examiner, spinning disk technology from Yokogawa CSU-X1 and dual camera technology of ZEN software. This symbiosis of optics, hardware and software in one system makes your confocal live cell imaging uniquely accurate: you control your Cell Observer SD precisely in the millisecond range. By streaming image da…

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ZEISS LSM 700 for Life Sciences

ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions

LSM 700 rivals high end confocals with superb image quality Perform fluorescence measurements, create optical sections of your samples and combine them into 3D image stacks. ZEN imaging software shortens the training period and stores the settings for all users in your team. Smart Setup lets you configure new experiments easily with optimized recording settings. The compact design of LSM 700 means you will always have room for…

|10 Reviews
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FlowCam 8000

Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc

Through its exceptional image quality and the widest size range available, FlowCam® 8000 represents state-of-the-art particle imaging technology. Analyze thousands of particles in less than a minute and comprehensively characterize the size, count, morphology, and identity of subvisible and visible particulates in their native solvent.

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CRI Inc.

Multi-label imaging without cross-talk As biological imaging becomes more about studying complex systems rather than single events, Nuance multispectral imaging systems let you quantitate multiple molecular markers even when they are co-localized in a single tissue section, producing clear and accurate images of each individual label on a multi-label tissue section. TRIO is the newest addition to CRi’s award-winning Nuance mul…

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