Low Noise: An Integral Part of High-Performance CCD (HCCD) Camera Systems
Low Noise: An Integral Part of High-Performance CCD (HCCD) Camera Systems
Low Noise: An Integral Part of High-Performance CCD (HCCD) Camera Systems
Automated Cloning System for Gateway® Technology
The Use of an Acid and Heat-Labile Surfactant for In-Gel Digestion
Utility of Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Quantification of Fluorescent Probes in Produced Effluent Water
Long-term Cell-based Kinetics using Tecan’s GCM™ and the Thermo Scientific Nunc Edge Plate
Genomic DNA Purification and Amplification on the MICROLAB® STAR with the XTRANA Whole Blood Xtra Amp™ Kit
Reference Yeast and Human Whole Cell Protein Extracts for Mass Spectrometry Instrument Performance Monitoring and Method Development
ScanDrop® versus Open Drop: Comparison of Reproducibility at Different Wavelengths using K2Cr2O7 and CHIPCUVETTE®
Hypoxia Workstation with HEPA-Filtration Option Demonstrates Enhanced Containment to Protect User
LC-MRM Quantification of Src-Family Kinases using Protein Standards Expressed in Cell-Free Systems