Food and Beverage Products & Reviews

Food and beverage testing is a critical scientific practice that ensures food safety, food quality, and compliance of food and drink products. Through comprehensive analysis, food testing labs assess factors such as microbiological contamination, chemical residues, nutritional content, and authenticity. By adhering to strict regulatory standards and industry guidelines, food and beverage testing helps maintain product integrity, fight food fraud, prevent foodborne illnesses, and meet consumer expectations for safety and transparency. Explore how food and beverage testing labs play a pivotal role in safeguarding public health and promoting trust in the global food supply chain.

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Kapa Biosystems, Inc.




Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

KAPA HiFi DNA Polymerase is a novel, single-enzyme system that exhibits industry-leading performance when compared with other high fidelity polymerases and polymerase blends. KAPA HiFi has been engineered to have an increased affinity for DNA without the need for accessory protein domains. The intrinsic high processivity of KAPA HiFi results in significant improvements to yield, sensitivity, speed, target length, and the ab…

|3 Reviews

KAPA2G Robust PCR Kits

Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

Streamline your PCR workflows by consolidating protocols and reaction conditions, increase pass rates, amplify difficult templates without bias, and increase sensitivity – all with a single enzyme. The second-generation KAPA2G Robust DNA Polymerase was evolved to solve - achieve consistent amplification across a broad range of amplicon types (both GC and AT-rich). The versatility and robustness of the polymerase allows for con…

|1 Review


Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

KAPA PROBE FORCE is a highly inhibitor resistant qPCR master mix that removes the need for DNA purification, enabling streamlined sample-to-Cq workflows. The master mix contains a third generation DNA polymerase evolved to overcome blood, tissue, and plant PCR inhibitors. Crude samples can now be analyzed with comparable accuracy, reproducibility, and sensitivity as purified DNA using KAPA PROBE FORCE.   Features:…

|1 Review

KAPA hgDNA Quantification and QC Kit

Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

KAPA hgDNA Quantification and QC Kits contain all the reagents needed for the qPCR-based quantification and quality assessment of human genomic DNA samples prior to NGS library construction. Kits contain KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix, optimized for high-performance SYBR Green I-based qPCR, as well as a pre-diluted set of DNA standards and primer premixes targeting different portions of a highly conserved single-copy human…

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KAPA DNA Library Preparation Kits for Illumina

Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

KAPA DNA Library Preparation Kits for Illumina sequencing platforms contain evolved and optimally formulated enzymes that enable the highest overall coverage from the least amount of total sequencing. Kits are optimized to achieve significantly higher library yields and contain KAPA HiFi for high-fidelity, high-efficiency and low-bias library amplification. This ensures the highest library and sequence data quality, particu…

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KAPA Library Preparation Kits for Ion Torrent

Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

KAPA DNA Library Preparation Kits for Ion Torrent sequencing platforms contain evolved and optimally formulated enzymes that enable the highest overall coverage from the least amount of total sequencing. Kits are optimized to achieve significantly higher library yields and contain KAPA HiFi for high-fidelity, high-efficiency and low bias library amplification. This ensures the highest library complexity and sequence data qu…

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KAPA RNA Library Preparation Kits for Illumina

Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kits includes all the enzymes and buffers required for cDNA library preparation for Illumina Next-Generation Sequencing, utilizing 100 ng – 4 µg of total RNA. KAPA mRNA Capture Beads are included for isolation of poly(A)-tailed RNA. Kits provides precise measurement of strand orientation (>99%), uniform coverage, and high-confidence mapping of alternate transcripts, and are optimized for the improved…

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