Zymo ResearchThe 5-mC DNA ELISA Kit features a streamlined workflow for high-throughput detection of global 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) in DNA.
The 5-mC DNA ELISA Kit features a streamlined workflow for high-throughput detection of global 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) in DNA.
The Quick-cfDNA™ Serum & Plasma Kit isolates high-quality DNA including cell free from up to 10 ml of serum, plasma, amniotic fluid or cerebrospinal fluid.
The Quick-RNA™ Whole Blood Kit purifies high-quality total RNA (including small/micro RNAs) from whole and partitioned blood samples.
The DNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 cleans and concentrates up to 5 µg of DNA in as little as 2 minutes.
The DNA Clean & Concentrator™-25 cleans and concentrates up to 25 µg of DNA in as little as 2 minutes.
The Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator™-10 cleans and concentrates up to 10 µg of large-sized DNA in as little as 2 minutes.
The Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator™-25 cleans and concentrates up to 25 µg of large-sized DNA in as little as 2 minutes.
The Mix & Go E. coli Transformation Kit & Buffer Set allow you to make your own highly efficient chemically competent cells. Simply add DNA and spread onto a plate - Mix and Go!
Mix & Go Competent Cells-Strain Zymo 5a can be used for general cloning, blue-white screening, plasmid isolation.
The RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 cleans and concentrates up-concentration at 10 µg of RNA in as little as 5 minutes.
The RNA Clean & Concentrator™-25 cleans and concentrates up-concentration at 10 µg of RNA in as little as 5 minutes.
Quick-DNA™ Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep Kit features a rapid method for the isolation of inhibitor-free, PCR quality DNA from fecal samples in minutes.
DNA/RNA Shield™ preserves genetic integrity and expression profiles of samples at ambient temperature
The Zymoprep™ Yeast Plasmid Miniprep II is a simple procedure for plasmid rescue form yeast that is ideal for low copy and hard-to-isolate plasmids.
The Quick-DNA/RNA™ Miniprep Plus is an efficient way to isolate and separate up to 100 µg of DNA and RNA from any sample.
The OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit is a fast, one-step procedure for removing PCR inhibitors such as polyphenolics, humic/fulvic acids, tannis, melanin, etc. from nucleic acid solutions to yield high quality DNA or RNA.
Fluent’s groundbreaking design delivers more capacity and productivity for genomic workflows. This innovative workstation offers superior precision, higher throughput and longer walkaway times, allowing scientists to get more done in less time, with greater confidence. The Fluent Laboratory Automation Workstation for genomic workflows offers high precision liquid handling – down to 200 nl – for accurate quantification se…
Enhanced with 20 Years of technology, innovation, and experience, Luna Omega 1.6µm columns build upon the Luna legacy to now provide incredible UHPLC performance and selectivity. With Luna Omega columns you gain: Astounding UHPLC performance and efficiencies Greater separation muscle Better peak shape through an inert foundation Extreme ruggedness and dependability
Rugged C18 with focus on strong hydrophobic retention of non-polar and polar compounds.
100 % aqueous stability and enhanced selectivity/retention for polar analytes without diminishing useful non-polar retention.
Fisherbrand™ Powder-Free Nitrile Exam Gloves provide a superior fit, comfort, tactile sensitivity and dexterity. Features: Provide superior fit, comfort, tactile sensitivity and dexterity Contains no latex proteins that can cause allergic reactions Textured surface for solid grip in wet or dry conditions 4mil thick at palm, 4.7mil at fingertip
The BIOFIRE ME Panel tests for 14 of the most common bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens associated with central nervous system infections. It requires just one test, one small sample of cerebrospinal fluid, and about one hour to provide accurate results.